Apple won’t challenge union voting at Maryland retailers

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Apple is reportedly not going to challenge employees’ voting for the union at one of Maryland’s retail stores, and will “in good faith” negotiate with workers at that store. is.

At the beginning of June, a majority of Towson Town Center Apple Store employees resolved to form a union and voted for the first time in the United States.

Apple isn’t going to interfere with the union vote and will participate in the negotiation process “in good faith,” sources familiar with the company’s plans said. Reuters..

Workers at the Apple Tawson Town Center, who first voted for organization, were supported by the International Mechanics Association and aerospace workers. But they haven’t outlined their term yet.

The Apple Store wasn’t the first to join a union in the United States. Previously, the Apple Stores in New York, Georgia and Atlanta began organizing in early 2022.

Workers at the Atlanta store quoted threatening tactics when they postponed voting for the union in late May.

The Communications Workers of America, which supported the union movement in Atlanta and New York, has filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Act for violating federal labor law.

Deirdre O’Brien, Head of Human Resources and Retail for Cupertino’s tech giant, opposed promoting the union in May, saying the union could “fundamentally” change the relationship between the company and its staff. .. That same month, Apple also raised retail wages to $ 22 an hour, perhaps as a way to get ahead of the union’s promotion.