Bournemouth emergency: armed police swarm West Cliff over incident |  UK |  News

Bournemouth emergency: armed police swarm West Cliff over incident | UK | News

There was widespread confusion on the ground as to what was going on, with residents of Hahnemann Road in the West Cliff area reporting large numbers of marked and unmarked police cars arriving in the area. A cordon has now been placed around the site, with a police dog unit present.

Bournemouth Daily Echo reporter Matt Simpson tweeted a video showing several police officers on the scene, pictured outside an apartment building.

Resident Mercedes Villamediana shared a photo of several officers and a police dog.

Armed officers reportedly left the accident scene just before 10 a.m. and the dog unit shortly after.

Dorset Police confirmed they were aware of the incident but were unable to provide further details at 10:15am.

(More to follow)