The government has announced an aid package of Rs 1.67 lakh crore for the state-run telecom operator BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited). Looking at that, Mahendra Nahata, MD, HFCL said it would make BSNL a strong business venture. Nahata also spoke about the amazing response the telcos gave to the 2022 5G spectrum auction. 5G airwaves was more than what the analysts expected.
“The overwhelming response to the 5G spectrum auction demonstrates industry confidence in the telecom sector, continued growth and government policies. Our honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji has given our country a transparent government. His policy of transparency and ease of doing business is aptly followed by the Ministry of Communications under the able and dynamic leadership of the Honorable Minister Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji,” said Nahata.
BSNL’s help pack to change things
BSNL’s aid package will focus on a variety of things from helping the state-run telco with 4G spectrum, 4G capex, restructuring debt on the books and more. BSNL will also be provided with several USOF projects, which will help the telco to increase its presence in the country at a faster pace in rural areas. It also keeps the BSNL union happy for years to come. BSNL is on track to launch homegrown 4G networks soon.
“The aid package of Rs. 1.64 lakh crore for BSNL announced by the Honorable Minister of Communications will revive BSNL to become a strong business venture. A strong BSNL is vital for the country for strategic reasons and critical to the growth of India’s entire telecom sector. BSNL’s current management is taking a focused approach to its resurgence. The aid package announced will strengthen the hands of BSNL management to transform it into a world-class telecom service provider that competes effectively with his colleagues,” Nahata added.
5G will make many things possible. A few of these are Industry 4.0 use cases, smart cities, and more. The power of 5G networks is something that will affect the entire economy in the coming years. It will help add new jobs and it will also quickly push India towards the $5 trillion target.
“5G enables enterprises to begin the journey of Industry 4.0, and it will help accelerate digital transformation in industries spanning manufacturing, retail, utilities, smart cities and more. The 5G revolution would contribute significantly to achieving our Honorable Prime Minister’s vision that India will become a USD 5 trillion economy, and it will help bridge the digital divide – enabling various services such as healthcare, education, financial services, e-mail. commerce and entertainment become accessible to the bottom of the pyramid,” said Nahata.