Cafe lovers are out of luck

Cafe lovers are out of luck

The lack of a central social center in Tapanui has come into the spotlight as the town comes to terms with the fact that there are no short whites and tall blacks.

The West Otago Community Board heard from a former Clutha district councilor at a meeting last Wednesday who said the town was missing a cafe.

“I'm afraid there's no way to have a cup of tea or a meal and I think the community council needs to use some of its influence to get something going,” said former councilor Peter McPherson.

“Since the Second World War you can get a cup of tea in the city and suddenly there's no place to go. Only the pub or [the West Otago] Town & Country Club has the horsepower, but surely the licensing trust can get something going?”

Clutha district councilor John Herbert pointed out that food and drinks were available to take away from the town's dairy and supermarket.

But he acknowledged there were no cafes, tearooms or restaurants suitable for tour groups or community organizations to meet casually.

“You're right, [we] I miss that social hub that creates a community fabric,” Cr Herbert said,

“But we've worked our way through more than 800 public submissions on the [long-term plan] and there is quite a theme to keep with our knitting. All these things cost money.”

Illy's, the last cafe in Tapanui, closed its doors last year.

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