SPEED on the road can not only cause an accident and injure you, but it can also hurt those driving next to you, so it is treated very seriously.
Here’s what you need to know about speeding and the fines you can receive or refuse.
Can I refuse a speeding ticket after 14 days?
When you get one traffic ticketyou will receive a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) and a Notice of Article 172.
You may have heard that if you receive a speeding ticket in the mail more than 14 days after the vehicle you own was photographed too quickly, the ticket can be cancelled.
There is some truth in this, but the rules are more complicated than that.
all the Police You only need to show that under normal circumstances the ticket should have been with the registered owner of the vehicle within 14 days.

This means the letter may go to an old address if you haven’t your license updatedit can go to a rental company or to your work address if the vehicle is not yours.
If it arrives at one of these within 14 days, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t reach your address for 14 days.
It also means delays caused by: post- issues don’t affect the rule – if it’s posted in time for the letter’s normal delivery, a four-day strike won’t affect the courts.
The 14 days also do not include the day of the speeding violation.
For example, if the speeding violation occurred on January 1 and the speeding fine arrives at your home on January 16, you have grounds to object.
Does the 14-day rule apply if the letter goes to the wrong address?
The address to which the speeding ticket will be sent is based on the address registered with the car through the DVLA.
If you recently changed the registered address and it was sent to the wrong address, there may be reason to challenge it to avoid a higher fine.
But if the details of the violation are correct and the fine was imposed within the first 14 days, it cannot be dismissed.
When can I challenge a speeding fine?
First you need to respond to: your speeding fine with a plea of not guilty.
This will cause you to be called to a court to belong.
Challenging a speeding ticket can be difficult if you don’t have the right evidence.
You may be able to contest if the notification was incorrect, for example, the date, time, location of the speedingor if you were not driving when the offense occurred.
Challenges will not be accepted if the ticket contains spelling mistakes or minor errors such as the color of a vehicle etc.
Unless you have evidence that the camera is defective, it can be difficult to challenge the evidence of the camera itself.
It could only be challenged under these circumstances if the speed measuring equipment was not calibrated or misused.
However, it is unlikely that you will be able to successfully challenge your speeding ticket this way.
What is the fine for not paying a speeding fine?
There are two ways to fail to pay a fine on a fixed fine.
Or you can reject the penalty payment from the start and receive a summons to go to court.
You can get more fines and more demerit points if the court decides that you guilty of speeding.
The amount you will be fined depends on what the speed limit was and how much you drove it.
It is usually a percentage of your weekly income, up to a maximum of €1,000 (€2,500 if you drive on the highway).
You can also be disqualified from driving a car or have your driver’s license revoked.
Or you could be fined if you accept the fine but then fail to pay within 28 days.
The fine is registered with the court and is automatically increased by 50%.
It is then up to the court to enforce the fine and they have the option to issue an arrest warrant if you do not respond.
What is the Road Traffic Violators Act 1988?
Below the Road Traffic Violators Act 1988anyone being prosecuted for:
- dangerous, careless or careless driving
- to not satisfy road signs or the direction of a police officer in traffic duty
- leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
- speeding (if not addressed according to the fixed fine system)

can only be convicted of the offense if they had been warned at the time of the offense that prosecution would be considered.
Or if a Written Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) stating the offense and its time and place has been served on them or the registered keeper of the vehicle within 14 days of the offense.