The reason Boris Johnson won his landslide victory in 2019 is that he stood for a fairer, freer and more optimistic Britain.
Instead of the boring machine politicians who hadn’t delivered Brexit and much more, here was a man of vision who would cut through the standstill.
His mantra “unite and improve” touched millions of people who had felt ignored and patronized by both main parties for far too long.
In his short time at number 10, Boris has achieved tremendous achievements – most notably securing Brexit, the vaccine miracle and looking down on Vladimir Putin.
This article believes that he could have accomplished much, much more and that in a sane world, the current leadership contest wouldn’t even take place.

Liz Truss, on the other hand, is well aware that ‘business as usual’ is not an option. Her economic priorities are immediate tax cuts to boost growth, suspension of green taxes and a bonfire of stifling regulation – music to many Tories’ ears
But he’s gone – brought down by a relentless campaign of slander and cowardly fifth columnists within his own party. So the question now is, which candidate is most likely to pick up his mantle and match his thirst for change?
Rishi Sunak is highly intelligent, handsome and hardworking. But with families struggling, many will think his promises of jam tomorrow won’t be enough.
Liz Truss, on the other hand, is well aware that ‘business as usual’ is not an option.
Her economic priorities are immediate tax cuts to boost growth, suspension of green taxes and a bonfire of stifling regulation – music to many Tories’ ears.
Significantly, she has also gained the support of the impressive Defense Secretary and Boris loyalist Ben Wallace. His support is a sign of how much Miss Truss seems to be growing in this leadership campaign.
Drawing on her Yorkshire upbringing, she says she channeled the mind of the great Leeds United manager Don Revie. He embodied tough conviction, self-confidence and an unshakable determination to win. Essential qualities in a football manager. Even more important in a prime minister.
Southern Discomfort
After such a long dry spell, it was only a matter of time before the first water company announced a hose ban.
Southern Water yesterday asked families in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to stop using non-essential water from next Friday. It was, he said, the “responsible” thing to do.
But as they watch their gardens shrivel, consumers have a right to ask why they are subject to a ban when others are not.

After such a prolonged dry spell, it was only a matter of time before the first water company announced a garden hose ban
Anglian, which has had similar weather and borders south to northeast, has ruled out restrictions. So could it be that Southern simply isn’t investing enough in water management and conservation?
The company loses nearly 100 million liters of water every day from spills and has a horrendous track record of illegally dumping wastewater into rivers and coastal seas.
Its majority shareholder Macquarie, the Australian investment bank nicknamed the ‘vampire kangaroo’, previously owned Thames Water, sucking billions and saddled it with huge debt.
Given these antecedents, the regulator Ofwat should now take a close look at Southern’s operational practices and ensure it is meeting all of its obligations.
Families will begrudgingly accept a garden hose ban if it’s really due to the weather.
But if it is even partly due to mismanagement by greedy investors who are only interested in lining their pockets, they will rightly demand strong government action.
A resounding success
Win or lose in the sold-out final of tomorrow’s European Championship at Wembley, the exploits of the English Lionesses have taken women’s football to unprecedented heights.
Their skill, team spirit and sense of fair play (not always evident in the men’s game) have thrilled and inspired a record audience.
A win against Germany tomorrow would be the icing on the cake. We wish them every success.