Covid cases continue to rise in Canterbury

Covid cases continue to rise in Canterbury

Four more virus-related deaths and 2107 new Covid cases were reported today in the DHB area of ​​Canterbury/West Coast.

On Friday, the Ministry of Health said 23 more people have died with the virus in New Zealand. It also reported 13,344 new cases across the country, including 133 in South Canterbury.

Of the 23 deaths, seven were from the Auckland area, one from Waikato, Lakes, Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, Taranaki, Tairawhiti, Whanganui and MidCentral, two from the Wellington area, four from Canterbury/West Coast, and two from South. One was in his 60s, three were in his 70s, 13 were in his 80s, and six were over 90. Nine were women and 14 were men.

“The majority (18) of these deaths occurred in the current month; four others occurred in May and June. One death has now been reported since January last year after the cause of death assessment is now complete,” the ministry said in a statement. a press release. pronunciation.

The total number of publicly reported deaths is now 1,651 and the seven-day moving average is 16.

There are currently 587 people with Covid in hospitals across the country, including nine in HDU or ICU, 90 in DHB hospitals in Canterbury/West Coast and 15 in hospitals in South Canterbury.

The average age of Covid hospitalizations is 66 years.

The other cases in the hospital are spread across Northland: 13; Waitemata: 128; Provinces of Manukau: 38; Auckland: 35; Waikato: 57; Bay of Plenty: 32; Lakes: 14; Hawke’s Bay: 20; Middle Central: 18; Whanganui: 6; Taranaki: 11; Tairawiti: 2; Wairarapa: 4; Capital and Coast and Hutt Valley: 60; Nelson Marlborough: 13; and South: 31.

Total cases by location
Place Active recovered Passed away Total New cases in the last 24 hours
Auckland 5715 127739 121 133575 1364
Bay of Plenty 2267 64216 96 66579 527
Canterbury/West Coast* 9434 185330 245 195009 2107
Capital & Coast/Hutt** 7158 137630 136 144924 1568
Provinces of Manukau 4972 162567 161 167700 1221
Hawke’s Bay 2395 46907 45 49347 550
Lakes 940 28319 33 29292 248
Central Central 1863 47607 61 49531 463
Nelson Marlborough 1797 40532 34 42363 391
Northland 1364 42146 61 43571 326
South Canterbury 749 17755 24 18528 133
Southern 4831 99350 119 104300 1017
east coast 477 14372 16 14865 99
Taranaki 1321 35634 54 37009 309
Unknown 38 594 1 633 4
Waikato 3602 109557 157 113316 812
wairarapa 637 12498 27 13162 142
waitematā 7838 150104 163 158105 1876
Whanganui 760 16995 23 17778 187
At the border 1585 11466 4 13055 390
Total 59743 1351318 1581 1412642 13734

*63 new cases have been reported on the West Coast in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 8,125
**There have been 479 new cases reported in Hutt Valley in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 47768

The seven-day moving average of new community cases is 8313 today, compared to 6422 last week.

“Today’s new Covid-19 cases show a further rise in the number of cases. We will continue to monitor our response to the current Covid-19 outbreak in the community and will adjust as the outbreak and pandemic evolves, and as part of our revival planning,” the ministry said.

There are now 58,170 active cases in New Zealand, including 9,434 in the DHB area of ​​Canterbury/West Coast.

COVID-19 by location

Total Cases by District

Total number of COVID-19 cases by district