Daycare centers told that children can 'come out' as trans at any age |  Politics |  News

Daycare centers told that children can 'come out' as trans at any age | Politics | News

Daycare centers that care for children and babies They have been told they can “come out” as transgender at “any age.”

It comes after kindergartens adopted it SNP guidelines following a groundbreaking study on trans youth.

However, ministers are under increasing pressure to abandon the rules, which were initially intended for primary schools and not nurseries.

The changes follow Dr Hilary Cass's report which recommended that children should not be rushed into treatment, but instead get help early.

The Scots Tories have called for the Cass Review findings to be implemented in Scotland, where an “affirmative” position on trans children is being taken.

However, SNP The guidelines say staff should ask for a child's new name and pronouns in cases where they say they identify as a member of the opposite sex.

According to De TelegraafGlasgow Council said it was “signposting” nurseries towards the controversial national guidelines.

Many nurseries in Glasgow followed a 'gender-friendly nursery' initiative, which stated that young children feel pressured to 'conform to binary gender definitions'.

Scottish Tory deputy leader Meghan Gallacher MSP said: “While it is important that all trans people get the support they need, preschoolers are far too young to understand complex issues about their gender, while their minds and bodies still need are not fully developed. “

The Scottish Government's school guidelines endorse social transition, which means names, pronouns and physical appearance must change.

Part of the guideline reads: “Transgender youth can recognize and discuss their gender identity at any age. Before puberty, any transition or change is limited to socially changing their name, pronoun and gender expression.”

It warns that puberty can “often confirm feelings of 'gender dysphoria'”, which can be “extremely distressing” and lead to self-harm.

SNP education secretary Jenny Gilruth reportedly said she will “consider” whether the school's guidance should be updated following the review.

Glasgow City Council told the Telegraph that nurseries had been provided with signs reading 'Supporting transgender young people in schools: guidance for Scottish schools'.

A spokesperson added: “The most important part of this learning is about instilling the confidence and rights from an early age to expect equality and tackle any form of discrimination.

“Staff in our schools and nurseries are supported in a range of ways, including referrals to national advice – but this does not mean that each situation will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

“All our schools and nurseries value and respect the needs and rights of every child.”