The nation is facing her driest conditions since 1976 and officials are preparing to declare a drought in August if the low-rainfall months continue. England last experienced a drought in the summer of 2018.
The National Drought Group (NDG) met on Tuesday 26 July and since then the Environment Agency and water companies have encouraged conscious use.
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Harvey Bradshaw, Executive Director of the Environment Agency for the Environment and Chair of the NDG, said: “While last week’s extremely high temperatures are behind us and there are currently no plans for restrictions on essential water use.
“We can all do our part by reducing unnecessary water consumption and following the advice of our water company to ensure it stays that way while our rivers are exceptionally low.
“Environmental agency teams are implementing the early stages of our drought plans in many parts of England to protect people’s access to water and protect the environment.”
They have advised Britons to bathe instead of shower, reuse water used to rinse vegetables and keep cold water in the fridge to prevent the tap from running on.
“Water companies have detailed plans in place to manage water resources for customers and the environment, and are doing everything they can, including working closely with government and regulators to minimize the need for restrictions and ensure that rivers keep flowing.
“As we continue to see extremely high demand, we urge everyone to think carefully about the amount they are using given the unprecedented circumstances.
“The water industry is running a national water-saving campaign called Water’s Worth Saving that provides the public with helpful hints and tips on how to do their bit for water use in the home.”
Have you changed your watering habits to get through the drought? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.