Emmerdale spoilers: Dan Spencer for surprise ‘delliance’ with villager |  soaps

Emmerdale spoilers: Dan Spencer for surprise ‘delliance’ with villager | soaps

What awaits Dan? (Photo: ITV)

Dan Spencer (Liam Fox) doesn’t have the best history when it comes to relationships in Emmerdale.

Anyone in that village?!

Currently single, Dan is more focused on his daughter Amelia (Daisy Campbell) and time with the boys than on a relationship… but could all that change?

like us mentioned in our recent chat with Bill Fellows of Coronation Streetsoapcast has just started filming early fall storylines.

Yes, very hard to believe, considering it’s the middle of July.

With Emmerdale’s 50e birthday is fast approaching, we’ll be keeping an eye out for all the cast members teasing for their characters later this year and things are looking exciting for Dan!

‘Maybe they’re playing with a certain person in the village! That’s what we’re working on now,” Liam Fox said recently.

Sounds interesting, but who could it be?

Let’s put the future aside for a moment, let’s talk about the present.

Dan’s daughter Amelia is currently having self-confidence issues.

The teen believes that if she consumes syrup for weight gain and changes her appearance, she will gain more likes and followers on social media.

It’s a sad storyline for the father-daughter duo as Dan wonders why Amelia didn’t feel like she could be honest with him about her emotions:

“It won’t open right away,” Liam reveals.

“There are comments about her body image, self-doubt and not being good enough. Dan has become more aware that Amelia is not happy with her image and the way she looks, he can’t get his head around that.

“He’s worried about her mental health, her own self-confidence, and what prompted her to take that syrup.”

As if that wasn’t enough, Dan has yet to discover that Amelia has been making secret visits to Noah (Jack Downham), who is currently in prison for stalking and harassment.

Liam teased Dan’s reaction to his daughter’s news, saying, “Dan would be furious! With everything Noah has done, he wouldn’t want Amelia near him.”