Epstein’s victim Sarah Ransom states in a statement about the victim’s effects that she attempted suicide twice.

Epstein’s victim Sarah Ransom states in a statement about the victim’s effects that she attempted suicide twice.

Bringing Maxwell to trial has been a long way.

Sadly, the exact number of victims is never known.

My book, Silenced No More, records it as a “journey to hell.”

I’ve escaped the hellish traps set by Epstein, Maxwell, and others, but 17 years later I’m still suffering from the horrific trauma it caused.

I came to New York at the age of 22. After establishing an incredibly abusive relationship, I wanted to start over.

I attended FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) and wanted to work in the fashion industry.

Shortly after arriving, I met an Epstein / Maxwell recruiter named Natalia Marichev at the club.

She made friends with me and soon after arranged me to meet Jeffrey.

She described him as a kind of philanthropist who helped me join the FIT and provide the coveted support. This is foreign to me.

In the next 7-8 months, contrary to my will, I was nothing more than a human sex toy with a heartbeat and soul for entertainment such as Epstein, Maxwell.

Occasionally I was sexually predated many times a day at both his New York mansion and his private island, St. Little James in the US Virgin Islands.

When I visited the island, my sexual demands, weakness, and humiliation became so severe that I tried to escape from the cliffs trying to jump into the sea where sharks infested, but I was caught at the moment of Maxwell and the company before jumping.

At that time, a very dangerous escape seemed more attractive than being raped again.

Maxwell was Epstein’s right-handed woman, as evidenced by Mr. Maxwell’s trial and confirmed by my own experience.

She was several recruiters and many other managers who provided the means and covers for Epstein’s predation.

In some cases, Guillene pushed me into Epstein’s room with his own hands and was raped.

Epstein and Maxwell were masters of finding young vulnerable girls and young women to exploit.

Targeting vulnerable girls / young women, they pleased herself, gave her compliments and small gifts, and told her how special she was.

They would tell her that Epstein was a very wealthy and generous man, whose main purpose was to help the underprivileged.

He and Maxwell were sophisticated secular adults and had deep connections with key people, world leaders and institutions who could give her the lifelines needed to realize her dreams. ..

But shortly after calming me and others to false reassurance and reassurance, they attacked and involved us in an upside-down twisted rape, rape, and even rape world.

Like Hotel California, you can check in to the Epstein-Maxwell Dungeon of Sexual Hell, but you can’t leave.

Guillene pushed me into Epstein’s room with his own hands and was raped.

The manipulations, intimidation, and psychological abuse used to control the victim took many forms.

In my case, Epstein and Maxwell took advantage of my injured upbringing, naivety, lack of long-term visas, lack of education, and my desire to go to FIT to manipulate and trap me. ..

Once caught, they keep my family calm, that I’m very smart and I have the real potential to be something with someone in my life My dream of being proud of me is achievable, and the relationship with FIT that told me that Epstein and Maxwell are strong could make this happen.

With their help, my admission was almost certain.

‘However’. There was always “but”.

Initially, I had to write my own application, but Maxwell needed to review it and, fortunately, always found the obstacle.

Then another “but”-I had to lose £ 30 because I was a “pig” (explanation that hurt my many dignities in Maxwell).

Epstein and Maxwell put me on a strict Atkin diet and at the same time sent me to a psychiatrist who prescribed antidepressants-among other medications I didn’t need-caused weight gain. ..

It’s a classic win-win situation, and they knew it-that’s exactly what traffickers are looking for.

I never lost weight, my application was never good enough, and it was never submitted.

I thank God Almighty. In 2007, I was able to escape fear by fleeing to England for my life.

Since then, I’ve dealt with the fear of consuming everything every day that Epstein and Maxwell will one day harm me, my loved ones, and my family.

I often experience flashbacks and wake up with cold sweat from a nightmare that reminds me of a terrible experience.

I am very vigilant, experiencing dramatic mood changes and avoiding certain places, situations and people. I sometimes start crying out of control for no apparent reason.

I have worked hard with several mental health professionals who have diagnosed me with extreme symptoms of anxiety, depression, decreased self-esteem, PTSD, and a tendency to self-harm.

Despite my earnest efforts, I have not professionally realized the possibilities given by my God or entered into healthy relationships.

I have never been married and have no children. That’s what I’ve always wanted since I was little.

I’m struggling to stay away from strangers and make new friends. Because they fear that they may have something to do with Epstein, Maxwell, and Enabler.

To date, I have attended AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings, but I know that I can relapse many times and survive only by the grace of God.

I have attempted suicide twice since the abuse-both are almost deadly.

Last year I traveled abroad to New York to attend Maxwell’s trial.

It was therapeutic and traumatic.

It is therapeutic to hear the testimony of four brave victim witnesses who had similar experiences to me and to know that I am not alone and that our story is finally being told to the world. did.

However, re-experiencing experience and flashbacks is also traumatic and nightmares are on the rise.

Thank you to the jury for believing in the victim and convicting him.

But the question still sheds tears in my soul: after all this, so many conspirators who have cursed hundreds, if not thousands, of vulnerable girls and young women over 30 years. How can the manager of this huge sex trafficking conspiracy, including, keep her innocent?

Who and which institution made it possible to continue this sex trafficking ring?

Why were the institutions and key people who made them possible exposed and not brought to justice?

Looking back, I know the answer to my question.

Maxwell is the same woman I met almost 20 years ago today, with no compassion or general human dignity.

Because of her wealth, social status, and connections, she believes herself beyond blame and beyond law.

Putting her to life imprisonment does not change her, but it gives me a slight sense of justice with other survivors and works to recover from the sexual trafficking hell we committed. Helps to continue.

She will never hurt other young women or children in this lifetime.

For that, I’m sure.

For important and high-profile enablers (government agencies, politicians, and very wealthy friends of Epstein / Maxwell at home and abroad), their height and power have so far protected them.

I hope that one day they will be exposed and that the United States will be truly governed by the rule of law, not by powerful people.

I tell Guillene:

-Sara Ransom, 2022