First Dates’ Merlin Griffiths in hospital with cancer ‘complications’

First Dates’ Merlin Griffiths in hospital with cancer ‘complications’

Merlin Griffiths has kept fans updated on his health ordeal (Picture: Channel 4 / Instagram @merlinfdc4)

First Dates star Merlin Griffiths has revealed he is back in the hospital after a setback in his battle with colon cancer.

The 47-year-old, who works at the restaurant on the popular Channel 4 series, announced in September last year that he had the disease. He recently had surgery to have a tumor removed and is said to remain ‘positive’.

On Tuesday, Merlin shared an update with his Instagram followers, writing, “Oh… Squibwibble. #complications.’

The post contained a photo of himself lying in a hospital bed with a face mask on and a bandage on his hand.

Merlin was inundated with well wishes from his followers, including chef and food writer Sabrina Ghayour, who wrote: ‘I’m sending you so much love, I hope things get better soon xx.’

One follower showed support, commenting, “I’m sending positive vibes and wishing you better. You got this!’

Another follower of Merlin revealed they are going through a similar order, sharing, “I feel your pain, my friend. I’m in the hospital with colon cancer and also had some complications… keep brother Xx in check.’

One fan told the star, “I was just thinking about you this morning. You are doing so well even if it feels like a step back right now. Rest and heal…it’s a blip and will soon fade away. Big hugs.’

With their kind words, another wrote, “Merlin, you’ve got this! The warrior prays for you and sends you blessings for strength and support. We meet at your pub one day and this will all be water under the bridge. Stay strong and hold on. a lot [love]†

It comes just weeks after First Dates star Fred Sirieux promised to keep in touch with his “incredible” co-star, saying the bartender is “incredibly stoic in the face of what’s happening to him.”

‘I really love him. He is also incredibly positive and pragmatic. I’m just not surprised because that’s the type of guy he is. You can always rely on Merlin,” Fred told Mail Online.

He revealed that he’s spoken to and texted Merlin over the phone, “to make sure he’s okay.”

Merlin had surgery in April after raising awareness during colon cancer awareness month.

After surgery I thanked the NHS for ‘literally saving my life’.

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