RESIDENTS are furious after finding their streets piled high with flying-tipped garbage bags – claiming it’s due to an ever-growing number of “student graves”.
Homeowners on the street in Coventry, West Midlandsblame the municipality and landlords for allowing the problem to continue.
Local resident David West says the students and rising number of houses in multiple occupation (HMO) have made to tip worse.
He told the Coventry Telegraph“One of the problems is that so many HMOs were built probably six or seven years ago, and we’re trying to make the community aware that these HMOs divide the community.
“We have nothing against students, but when there is a student profession, you find that they don’t have as much loyalty to the community as people who live there and their kids go to school here, but we’re not saying students are the problem. “

“Landlords should alert those students to the local situation, but they’re happy to charge extortionate prices and take that rent.”
When asked about the matter, Coventry City Council said it was aware of cases of fly dumping on Humber Avenue in Lower Stoke, as well as other roads in the area.
The council confirmed that they were investigating all reported incidents involving pinballs and promised to prosecute the violators.
A city council spokesman said: “We are aware of issues at this and other locations and are investigating all incidents and are seeking to take action against those responsible.
“The enforcement team will always take steps to remove the waste, but it is essential that officers collect as much evidence as possible to hopefully catch the culprits before the waste is cleared.”
This isn’t the first time discarded trash has blocked the area’s sidewalks, residents said.
In May, residents complained of piles of black trash bags, discarded chairs and a discarded TV at the base of a Coventry Tower block in Riley Square, Bell Green.
At the time, the council said it was aware of the issue and urged residents to report any tipping in the area.

New sanctions came into effect in 2019 to curb tipping.
Officers now have the power to impose fines of £400 on the spot against people who throw rubbish on public footpaths and highways.