Governor Matawale supports the death penalty for bandits and signs the bill

Governor Matawale supports the death penalty for bandits and signs the bill

Zamfara Governor Belomohammed Matawale has signed a bill passed by the Zamfara State Parliament, banning and punishing terrorists, cow thieves, cults, kidnappings and other incidental crimes.

Under the law, Matawale was sentenced to death for robbery, kidnapping, cow buzz, and cultism in the state, and was found guilty of promoting or betting the crimes mentioned. He said he would be sentenced to life imprisonment, 20 years in prison or 10 years in prison. Imprisonment without fine options.

He argues that his administration is far more prepared to fight the criminal elements of the state within the scope of the law to secure the state and restore peace, especially in communities considered to be bandit hubs. did.

He states: “The new law provides that anyone convicted of bandits, kidnappings, cow thieves, cultism, or bandit informants will be sentenced to death.

“Under the law, a person convicted of promoting or betting the crime mentioned is sentenced to life imprisonment, 20 years in prison, or 10 years in prison without the option of a fine.

“Security is the most basic focus of governance anywhere in the world.”

Governor Matawale said the establishment of community protection guards is no different from the Joint Private Task Force (JTF) in Borno and Amotechn in the southwest.

While praising the Legislature to keep up with the constitutional responsibility to enact legislation to secure the state, he also praised the federal government for its consistent support for Zamfara.

Earlier, Zamfala State Council Chairman Nacil Magaria said the law would serve as a legal tool for prosecuting bandit-related criminals in the state.