Robert Triggs / Android Authority
One of the less used and often overlooked features on a phone is Airplane Mode. Originally created for when the phone user needed to board a plane and shut down the phone, it can now be used if you need to temporarily turn off your phone service and internet connection. There are many situations where you just want your peace of mind, or an incoming call can be awkward and inconvenient. Here’s how to turn airplane mode on and off on an iPhone.
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To enable Airplane mode on an iPhone, swipe down on the top right corner of the iPhone screen. This will open the Control Center. Look at the top left corner of the Control Center and you will see an icon of an airplane. Tap that and your phone and internet service will be turned off. To disable Airplane Mode, repeat the same process and tap the icon again.
Enable Airplane Mode
Enabling Airplane Mode is very easy. All you have to do is swipe your finger down on the top right corner of the screen, where the battery icon is located. This opens Control Center. At the top left you see an icon of an airplane. This is airplane mode.
Tap the airplane icon and this will launch airplane mode. You will immediately see your internet connection and telephone signal disappear. From now on you will be completely unreachable by phone, text or internet until you turn off airplane mode again.
Disable Airplane Mode
Disabling Airplane Mode is the same procedure as enabling it. Except tapping the airplane icon turns the feature off, not on.
Is my iPhone in airplane mode?
You can easily see if your device is currently in airplane mode. Look at the top right corner of the phone screen, where your internet connection and phone signal is normally. Instead it will be a small airplane icon.
Frequently Asked Questions
Airplane mode has many benefits. If you go to a place where an incoming phone call or beeping text message is rejected, such as a movie theater or a social gathering, Airplane Mode can disable those features without having to turn off the phone. As the name suggests, the feature is also there when boarding a plane. You can leave the phone on, but the features will be temporarily disabled.
The person gets the message “the caller is currently unreachable”. It will look like you turned off your phone (which you technically have).
No, text messages do not arrive during airplane mode.
Only if the app or game in question does not require an internet connection to function. If you don’t need the internet, yes you can use them. If he does need internet, the app or game won’t work.