How to Enrich ILT Compliance Sessions with Learning Technology

How to Enrich ILT Compliance Sessions with Learning Technology

How to Level Up Instructor-led Compliance Training with Learning Technology

Compliance training is based on theory. Policies and regulations that stipulate what employees cannot do in the workplace. The goal is to keep them safe, avoid penalties and maintain your brand image. However, just talking about the problem in an ILT session does not help staff mitigate the risk. To achieve your goals, you need to immerse them in the real world and provide JIT support. Learning technology helps enhance the ILT experience by personalizing processes and monitoring performance. Here are seven amazing ways to use these technical tools in face-to-face compliance sessions:

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Fusion of face-to-face and learning skills: how ILT and LMS bring the best of both worlds to employees

There are still cases to be done for face-to-face sessions that provide one-on-one support. However, by blending it with learning technology, you can enhance your personalization and further increase your L & D budget.

Seven Underrated Ways to Use Learning Technology for Compliance Benefits of ILT

1. Simulation to prevent costly mistakes

You will make a mistake. We are humans only, and all plans around the world may not be able to prevent accidents at work. However, there are ways to mitigate these risks and avoid costly errors. Simulations give real-world experience so teams can recognize common disasters and how to deal with them. For example, how do you handle a client’s bribe or evacuate a facility in the event of a fire or flood? Immerse them in the situation so they can understand why the protocols are in place and how to apply them to their work.

2. Branching scenario to test performance under pressure

You don’t know how your employees will react in pressured situations until they occur when you need to cool your head and troubleshoot the problem. At least that was the case for instructor-led training. The instructor may summarize what to do in an emergency or provide tips on how to handle stressful obstacles. However, you can use LMS to test employee performance under pressure and identify problem areas. Every decision path assesses how well you are familiar with the rules / policies and whether stress is predominant. Then you can use ILT sessions or JIT tools to increase your confidence in case of any contingency.

3. Micro-learning task tutorial to show how it is done

Listening to the instructor explaining the task gives employees a general overview. But when you look at how it is done, it takes hold in their long-term memory. The bite-sized task tutorial walks you through the process, highlighting common mistakes such as how to complete a customer return and how to handle your goods safely. Employees imagine a process in their head during an ILT session and instead of replicating it at work, they get a visual example that can be imitated at work.

4. Preliminary evaluation to guide the ILT session

Pre-assessment helps you customize your resume based on your employees’ strengths and weaknesses. Start with pop quizzes and surveys, measure how much they know and guide your ILT sessions to your data. You can also use real-world activity performance to enhance depersonalization. For example, the report shows that most employees struggled with compliance simulation or chose the wrong branch scenario path. As a result, the instructor focuses on the relevant skill or topic to fix the most common errors.

5. Video demo highlighting what should and should not be done

Sometimes the best way to explain your claim is to give a bad example. The video demo shows how employees can perform their tasks right and wrong, or follow company policies rather than breaking all the rules of the book. Being more visual, you can see how the theory translates into actual performance. For example, missing an important step can injure a colleague or jeopardize your safety. Another great way to improve engagement is to create animated do / don’t videos. This is peripherally useful for dangerous compliance situations that cannot be reproduced.

6. Infographic summarizing key policies

Manuals are usually the least user-friendly (or convenient), but employees still need to be aware of company policies. Violations can damage your brand image and reduce customer loyalty. Therefore, when it comes to protocols, everyone needs to be on the same page. Infographics cover all the basics so teams can see what’s expected of them. Sum up the five most important clothing items so you know what to wear on the first day. It summarizes six important safe handling procedures. These infographics can be used as a quick reference guide to refresh your memory. You don’t have to write down your question and wait until the next ILT event. Instead, they can quickly deal with the disability and continue working.

7. Research to improve ILT strategy

You think your employees are happy with the current ILT, but the survey may say they aren’t. Employees may not be satisfied with the instructor’s approach and lack of involvement. Similarly, they may feel they are micro-managed, or their personal goals are not taken into account in the equation. With this information, you can adjust your ILT strategy accordingly and actively engage your employees in the process. They know that they can hear their voice and that you value their input. The secret is to provide the instructor / facilitator with constructive feedback without making them feel judged. For example, after outlining all the strengths of an ILT session, here are some suggestions that can be incorporated into the curriculum.


As you can see, learning technology is not a “bad guy.” It is neither the end of ILT nor the “thief” of L & D work. In fact, ILTs and LMSs are a great combination that can reduce costs, reduce work errors, and increase employee participation. The secret is to know how to incorporate a touch of these learning techniques into your existing ILT strategy so that all members of your team enjoy timely support and hands-on experience.

Learning technology alone is not enough to enhance ILT sessions and increase employee engagement. Use your online directory to find the right compliance training LMS. Filter your results by features, specification support, pricing model, and other important factors to choose the best LMS for your organization.

Download an eBook and merge it face-to-face with learning techniques: How ILT and LMS bring the best of both worlds to employees and integrate the latest techniques with instructor-led training to reach their goals.

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