There are many reasons to save a web page as a PDF file. Perhaps you want to save something for posterity before it is removed? Or do you want to read the article in your spare time? For whatever reason, saving a web page as a PDF file in all major browsers is very easy.
read more: How to save Google Docs as PDF or Word document
Quick answer
To save a web page as a PDF, in your browser printing Menu (excluding iOS). So when asked to select a printer, Save as PDF Instead. For iOS, compartment Menu tap option,Choose PDF..Then send the generated file to File You can also open it in the app, Book App. If everything else fails, you can use a third-party tool to first remove the unwanted element from your web page.
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Related difficulties before starting
Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority
The difficulty with converting a web page to a PDF file is that the web page is generally not intended to be saved this way. As a result, you may end up with crushed page elements, broken web links, missing images, or blank pages in your PDF files.
The first best fix is to rotate the print preview to landscape mode. By default, it is displayed in portrait mode, but it is usually displayed in portrait mode. When you rotate to landscape mode, things get a little wider. Many browsers also have a reader mode that provides simplified and simplified pages, which makes PDF files look immeasurable.
Later in this article, I’ll briefly discuss third-party tools that can remove elements of a web page to make the page cleaner and easier to read. However, a quick Google search will show you many more similar choices. So if the page looks confusing at first, you have the option. Finally, be sure to remove the blank pages before clicking the print button to generate the PDF.
How to save a web page as a PDF in Microsoft Edge
Let’s start with Microsoft Edge. When the web page you want to save as a PDF appears, drop down the 3-dot menu in the upper right. next, printing..
In the left sidebar, printerselect Microsoft Print to PDF..Also, consider changing the layout from Portrait To Landscape.. Once you get the best way you can get it printing button.
How to save a web page as a PDF in Google Chrome
This is the same for Google Chrome. After navigating to the web page, click on the 3 dot menu and printing..
In printing Box, dropdown destination Select a menu to select Save as PDF..Also drop down Layout Menus and selections printing Button when ready.
How to save a web page as a PDF in Mozilla Firefox
If you’re a Firefox user, once you’ve accessed the web page you want to save, click on the three horizontal line menus at the top right of the page.[印刷 (ここにトレンドが現れていると思いますか?)
あなたの オリエンテーション (好ましい 風景)およびプリンタ選択メニューをドロップダウンし、を選択します PDFに保存。 次に、をクリックします 印刷 下部のボタン。
SafariでWebページをPDFとして保存するには、実際には2つの方法があります。 最初のもの-そしておそらく最も簡単なもの-はに行くことです ファイル–>PDFとしてエクスポート。 ただし、これにより即時PDFが生成され、出力をカスタマイズする機会がなくなります。 したがって、この方法を使用すると、混乱したPDFファイルを取得する可能性が非常に高くなります。
他の方法はに行くことです ファイル–>印刷。 ああ、プリント、また旧友。
これで、印刷プレビューウィンドウにオプションが表示されます。 クリック 詳細を表示 レイアウトと用紙サイズを指定します。 次に、下部にある小さなメニューをドロップダウンして、 PDFとして保存。
AndroidでGoogleChromeを開き、ウェブページにアクセスします。 次に、3ドットメニューをドロップダウンして、 コンパートメント。
ポップアップウィンドウの下部で、が表示されるまで左にスワイプします。 印刷 オプション。 それをタップします。
画面上部のメニューをドロップダウンして、 PDFとして保存。 また、ページレイアウトを選択します。
iOSの方法には、少し奇妙で複雑な方法があります。[共有]Tap the menu icon.
Tap now option Located at the top of the pop-up box.
choose PDF Tap an option, then tap Donation Save your selection.
This will bring up a small menu of Save to file (Of course, you need to install the File app on your device first. It’s available from the App Store.)
The file app opens.Edit the name of the file (if needed), select where you want to save the file, and tap keep.. This will generate a PDF file and save it in that location.
Open the File app and navigate to the folder where you saved the PDF file. Double tap to open. As you can see, iOS is very good at rendering readable PDFs.
One option to improve your reading experience is File Export apps and files to Book App.
How to save a web page as a PDF using a third party tool
Virtually all of these methods result in fairly annoying files where elements such as ads, banners, menus, and logos get in the way. One option is to clean up the page first using a third-party printing tool. One option is called “print what you like” and its real purpose is to reduce wasted paper printing by printing only what you really need. However, because it has a built-in PDF generator, it can also be used to convert web pages to clean PDF files.
Drag the bookmarklet to the browser bar and click the web page. You can then click on the element to remove it like any other option. You can also hide the background and image, and adjust the text size.
When the page looks good,[[save as Link to the left sidebar, PDF.. This will generate a PDF file and save it to your hard drive.