ADAM Collard has revealed that ITV had to give him a bodyguard when he first left the villa in 2018 due to his ‘toxic’ behaviour.
The Geordie PT was branded a ‘gaslighter’ and Women’s Aid issued a warning to the channel about his treatment of the girls.
Adam said: “ITV gave us a bodyguard for the first week because there were some women who weren’t happy with some of the things I was doing there. So when I came out it was just crazy, a crazy crazy experience.
“I was definitely thinking ‘what if this doesn’t stop, like what if people think this forever’ – like in the bad boy thing, like he does what he wants.”
Adam felt afterwards that it was the pressure of the television villa that touched him.
He added in a 2019 blog post with: MuscleFood: “My family, it was probably harder for them. Even my father told me that he could see that I was not alone as I was.

“So even he said it was nothing like my personality, the way I handled things.
“I was definitely concerned that people’s opinions wouldn’t change until I went to a few talk shows and then people started to understand the crack a little bit more.”
Despite the setback, Adam became one of the ITV2 the show’s most successful export and has built a £1 million fitness empire.
Chat with the brand athletic nutrition, the boy added: “After Love Island, I’ve worked with brands like MuscleFood, brands that, weirdly enough, were probably all I ever wanted. I have Nocco which I have been buying for years, MuscleFood which I have been buying for years and I am sponsored by Reebok which is a dream come true if you are into fitness.
“After Love Island, life got a little crazy and I had nightclub tours for about 6 months so I pretty much lived off food at gas stations and did my best with gyms.
“My body just became crappy by my standards. It was the worst I’ve ever looked in five years.”
Adam appears to have had a crush on Paige Thorne, 24, and Danica Taylor, 21, since arriving at the villa in Mallorca.
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