Bombay: industrial towers Thursday said that Bimal Dayalhas resigned from their positions of chief executive officer and chief executive officer to pursue opportunities outside of the company.
In a deposit with the Bombay Stock Exchangethe company said his resignation has been approved by its board of directors and that his last day of work is currently being considered and will be announced along with the succession plan.
dayal‘s tenure at Indus Towers lasts 12 years; six years as Chief Operating Officer and six years as MD & CEO of Indus Towers.
N Kumar, Chairman of Indus Towers, said: “Mr. Dayal led this company through the difficult times of the past five years as the company continued its consolidation in the industrythe unknown of COVID, the difficult phase of AGR matter and culminated in a flawless merger between the company and the former Indus Towers Limited.”
Dayal said: “It was a nostalgic journey with the Deming Prize milestones, Great place to work and flawless merger, just to name a few. What I leave behind is a very stable and performing company with a great talent pool. eagerly looking forward to my next engagement.”
A few weeks ago, the company announced the onboarding of former Vodafone chief executive Sunil Sood as an additional director on the board of directors.
Sood will act as an additional director until the date of the next general meeting and “eligibility to shareholders is recommended for appointment as a director who will retire by rotation at the next general meeting”.