Instructor-led training tips for SMBs on a budget (and timeline)

Instructor-led training tips for SMBs on a budget (and timeline)

How to implement an instructor-led training on a budget?

You pinch pennies and cut corners to quickly implement your training program. There’s not a second (or cent) to lose when you want to mitigate risk, improve productivity, and comply with laws and regulations. But all of these money-saving measures will jeopardize employee engagement and performance outcomes, negating the purpose of your L&D initiatives and jeopardizing your bottom line. How can your SME save time and money without putting your L&D results on the back burner? Here are some top instructor-led training tips to boost your budget and shrink your timeline.

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Instructor-led training tips for SMBs: Maximize ROI with the right LMS

The right LMS can help you cut costs and support your top talent!

6 tips for applying ILT with a tight budget

1. Invest in an LMS with authoring tools

You might think an all-in-one LMS is out of your price range. But a system with built-in authoring features can cut costs and shorten your development timeline, especially one with an asset library and templates. You can convert your ILT content into digital sources. Or even give your instructors the tools they need to create additional resources such as modules or pre-assessments that enrich their ILT sessions and improve knowledge retention. Make sure the tool is easy to use and you don’t need an advanced degree in graphic design (or rocket science) to create meaningful resources.

2. Host live events to reduce travel costs

Face-to-face sessions don’t mean your employees have to be in the same room. Investing in a compliance training LMS allows you to host live sessions in real time with no travel costs. Your teachers can use the video conferencing tools to answer questions, share personal anecdotes, and help staff identify gaps. This also saves you the cost of printed training materials, as learners can access online resources such as tutorials, video demos and pop quizzes to test their understanding. You even have the chance to turn in-house experts into live event hosts or turn recorded events into bite-sized training videos. The cost-saving possibilities for your SME are endless.

3. Supplement ILT with online support resources

Online support tools aren’t just reserved for live events. Your employees can also use them during their moment of need to overcome challenges in the workplace. For example, they go to the ILT session, but there is still some uncertainty about the subject. They do not know all the steps involved in the task or cannot remember the compliance policy. The LMS includes walkthroughs, infographics and other JIT tools to fill the gaps. They can even chart their own course without being asked to increase L&D benefits. For example, they are preparing for a promotion and need to research procedures or policies that are appropriate for the new job.

4. Reuse assets to lower creation costs

Content development can eat up a significant chunk of your budget. But combining ILT and LMS can reduce creation costs and speed up your timeline. The key is to reuse assets you already have by using the all-in-one LMS. You can also invest in rapid authoring software if you choose a system without built-in authoring. Instructors can develop their own content to include in their ILT sessions, or this task can lie with your L&D team. For best results, take stock of the assets you have to find the best LMS. Be aware of compatibility or formatting issues as they can cause delays or exceed your budget.

5. Monitor statistics to improve your ILT strategy

Oversight is crucial, especially in compliance training. The advantage of instructor-led training is that there aren’t many metrics other than assessment results and surveys. But even those have to be compiled and analyzed manually. One of the most notable benefits of ILT and LMS is that you can track performance and progress using built-in reports, or immediately locate areas for improvement, allowing you to intervene and prevent violations. Many LMS solutions have data visualizations to measure satisfaction scores and spot top performers (or employees who fall below the standard). Another metric to add to your weekly checklist is satisfaction scores. See what staff really think about teacher engagement and content quality.

6. Schedule niche ILT sessions for targeted training

Instructor-led training often gets a bad rap for its one-size-fits-all approach. However, the same can be said for online training programs that do not take into account personal gaps and goals. The secret is scheduling targeted ILT sessions that focus on a single topic or pain point. Not everyone on your customer service team needs to work on their communication skills, for example. But those who do can attend the optional event (invitation only) to address the issue. Employees who are already pros in active listening, non-verbal cues and other communication skills can attend another ILT session, such as the one scheduled for next week, which will help them with product knowledge or health and safety training. These can be hosted online or in person based on your available resources and objectives.


An instructor-led training program that doesn’t entice your SME is music to the ears of the accounting department. How do you know which LMS fits seamlessly with your ILT strategy and delivers on every item on your must-have list? Take your best picks for a test drive. Read online reviews to see what users have to say about the UX. Then contact vendors to try out their support services and determine how they can help you achieve your goals.

You don’t have to dig deep into your L&D pockets to launch a successful compliance training strategy. The right LMS can help you reduce costs and control your top talent. Use our online directory to find the best system for your SMB, even if you’re on a tight budget and implementation schedule.

How do you know which software fits seamlessly with your ILT strategy and delivers every item on your must-have list? Download the eBook Instructor-led Training Tips for SMBs: Maximize ROI with the right LMS for insider tips.

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