Irish Water becomes ‘Uisce Éireann’ as an independent national authority for water services

Irish Water becomes ‘Uisce Éireann’ as an independent national authority for water services

Irish water will now be known as Uisce Éireann as it becomes the independent national authority for water services.

The government this week approved the publication of the Water Services Bill 2022, sponsored by Housing Secretary Darragh O’Brien.

The bill provides for the separation of Uisce Éireann (Irish water) from Ervia and its establishment as the independent national authority for water services.

As part of the change, the authority will be known by its Irish name, Uisce Éireann.

The bill will be advanced by the Houses of the Oireachtas in the fall so that it can be passed before the end of 2022.

Mr O’Brien said this bill represents a “major milestone” in implementing the Program’s commitment to the government to keep Irish Water as a national, state-owned, self-contained, regulated utility.

“I would like to thank Irish Water and its parent company Ervia for working with my department to fulfill this commitment,” he said.

“It is fitting that Irish Water on legal separation is known as Uisce Éireann which is in the spirit of the Official Languages ​​(Amendment) Act 2021.

“The separation of Irish Water from the Ervia Group is in the best strategic interest of the water services and gas networks and the separation will be achieved by January 1, 2023.”

Arrangements are currently being made to print and publish the Water Services Bill 2022, and it will be available on the Oireachtas website in the coming weeks.

The Explanatory Memorandum outlining the provisions of each part of the bill will also be available on the Oireachtas website.