At the beginning of each of the revered late-night shows, late-night hosts James Corden, Seth Meyers, and Trevor Noah took some time to address the US Supreme Court’s overthrow decision on Friday. Roe v. Wade Incident Wade1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
In the taping taken outside the British Parliament, Late Show■ Corden responded to the Supreme Court’s ruling, first reflecting how abortion was legalized in the United Kingdom in 1967. Half of the population will be at risk in the UK. “
Corden also worked on “horrible news that hurts the heart.”
“For the past eight years, I’ve raised, worked, and raised young families in the United States. That’s my favorite place. But six politically appointed judges have the constitutional right to abortion. You don’t have to live in the United States as I do to feel complete dislike and anger at the Supreme Court news that can make a decision to end, “Conden continued. “Women’s right to choose what happens to their body has been wiped out in an instant.”
The late-night moderator further stated: “In a country of American dreams, a country of freedom, a country that takes pride in protecting the freedom of individuals, we will immediately return to the dark ages. We will impose a minority political view on the country for decades to come. We have decided to put millions of women and their families at risk. “
“I’m having a hard time worrying about one of these,” he added. “It’s an understatement to say that I’m resentful and devastated. In 2022, women should be given the right to control their lives and their bodies, and to live in a country that doesn’t allow it. Needless to say, I don’t even understand what I have to say loudly, if only the American leader on the right cares about women’s rights and fights as much as he has a gun. “
that’s all Midnight with Seth MeyersMyers started the show with a brief comment about the decision and described it as “shocking” and “sadly predictable.”
“I was angry and saddened by the news, and before I started, abortion is not only a problem for women, but a problem for pregnant people, but for everyone. I want to keep that clear. We all benefit from reproductive freedom and access to legal and safe abortions, “he said.
Myers goes on to say, “I think men may hear’my body, my choice’. It’s not our problem that we speak, it’s all that defends our reproductive rights. Remove the message that it’s a human job, so I asked the writer Amber [Ruffin]Jennie [Hagel] And allies [Hord] What I can do to help, and they said, “You can start by shutting up.” When this happens, we should focus the voices of those who are most affected by it. “
Myers then gave Amber Ruffin, Jenny Hagel, and Ally Horde a say, welcoming Alexis McGill Johnson, president and chief executive officer of the planned parent-child relationship, to discuss the Supreme Court’s decision. Because of this, everyone wore the “Bans Off Our Bodies” pin. What that means, how people can take action, and how men can show that they are allies.
Later in the show, Myers also aired sketches taken after the capsize decision. Roe v. Wade Incident Wade It was leaked. “We wrote a sketch last week and shot it, because I saw this coming, unlike I didn’t know democratic leadership,” he said.
With skits Midnight Writer Geoff Wright is a pair of Brown. Board of education, Roe v. Wade Incident Wade And other Supreme Court decisions discussing the possibility and implications of them being overturned.
While on TheDailyShowHost Noah called the news “surreal,” and said “that day is here,” even though everyone was afraid the day after last month’s decision was leaked. He said, “For 50 or 50 years, American women had a constitutional right to abortion, and now, just like that, the Supreme Court has decided that it is over.” I did.
“The constitution hasn’t changed,” Noah said, but “the only thing that has changed is that, of all, Donald Trump has appointed three pro-life judges to the Supreme Court.”By the way, the judges continued to hear how much they respected their important precedents. Roe v. Wade Incident Wade. And we all knew they were also full of shit, right? “
After that, Noah turned his attention to Judge Clarence Thomas. Judge Clarence Thomas said the court “needs to revisit all of the court’s substantive due process precedents. Griswold, Lawrence, When ObergefellContraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage have been legalized nationwide.
“And if the capsize wasn’t bad enough, Judge QAnon himself, Clarence Thomas, wrote that he wanted the court to reconsider the rights of gay marriage, gay sex, and contraception, yeah. Look. This guy is so extreme that he’s talking about banning rights I didn’t realize, “Noah said before joking. ?? queue? For example, at some point you are no longer a judge. You are just a cock block on a flashy road. That’s all about you. You are with everyone else. “
Noah also said that given that Thomas himself has an interracial marriage, it is a coincidence that the only ruler he does not want to overthrow is the right to interracial marriage. “Yes, if there’s something that seems to have a personal impact on Clarence Thomas, I think he’s okay. Somehow, like a gay man, if we can get him pregnant, we’re okay. I think all the problems will be solved, “Noah said.
“American women have just lost control of their bodies. It doesn’t matter who you are, but this is a horrifying thing to face,” Noah said. Observing the Democratic reaction, “I know there are multiple opportunities to anticipate this,” Noah suggested, “voters should change the situation.” “Maybe instead of a fundraising email, you should send a fundraising email. Have Democrats show you what they did, and then you donate to their cause,” he says. rice field.
Despite many feeling “indignated, depressed, hopeless,” Noah has already helped women and donated to grassroots organizations working on this battle before the ruling. We encouraged them to have hopes such as volunteering.
The late-night moderator has joined countless public figures who have criticized the US Supreme Court’s ruling, including John Oliver, Samuel L. Jackson, and Whoopi Goldberg.