India’s number one telecom operator, Reliance Jio and Redmi, a leading smartphone brand in the country, teamed up to test the 5G capabilities of the Redmi K50i 5G. In the live 5G network tests, the Redmi K50i 5G was placed under extreme conditions to test its capabilities and performance. The companies said the test yielded very positive results. The Redmi K50i 5G is confirmed to put on the MediaTek Dimensity 8100 SoC.
The promising results of the test will help to realize 5G for customers and create a complete 5G experience. With a vision to increase access to 5G services and create unique experiences, the Redmi K50i will be the first Redmi device equipped with 12 5G bands – n1, n3, n5, n7, n8, n20, n28a , n38, n40, n41 , n77, n78. The trial also assessed the interoperability between Redmi India’s latest technology and Reliance Jio’s 5G network, yielding commendable results.
Commenting on the partnership, Anuj Sharma, CMO, Xiaomi India, said: “As a pioneer in bringing about generational change, Redmi India is committed to its philosophy of democratizing technology and making it more accessible to consumers in the country. we are excited to join forces with Reliance Jio to demonstrate Redmi K50i’s willingness and our capabilities to provide users with immersive and reliable 5G technology.The encouraging result of this test highlights the true potential of Redmi K50i and brings a High-quality 5G experience closer We are proud to contribute to this digital revolution as India approaches the launch of 5G.”
The brand carried its 5G trial in an out-of-lab setup and showed impressive results with fast upload and download speeds. As a performance phone, the Redmi K50i delivered on its promise when tested for 4K streaming and cloud gaming scenarios requiring high speed and low latency. It offered lag-free online gaming experience and buffer-free streaming of 8K videos and performed astonishingly well under several such extreme conditions.
Redmi K50i aims to provide users with high speeds, greater efficiency, a new level of performance and scalability to 5G in this segment. The smartphone is fully featured to enhance the user’s smartphone experience and will be launched in India on July 20, 2022.