Joe Biden’s health sparks fear in Democrats as ‘crazy’ trip to Saudi Arabia is postponed |  World |  News

Joe Biden’s health sparks fear in Democrats as ‘crazy’ trip to Saudi Arabia is postponed | World | News

Concerns over the 79-year-old president have been mounting since he took office in January 2021. The president has become known for his public gaffes, including falling off his bicycle and using “cheat sheets” for speeches and press conferences.

Now it is feared that the president’s age will affect his ability to perform his role.

After visiting Spain and Germany at the end of June to attend the NATO and G7 summits, Joe Biden was also due to visit Saudi Arabia.

However, White House officials postponed the visit after considering that such lengthy travel plans would be “crazy” for a 79-year-old, the allegation reports.

Under the original plan, the president would have traveled for 10 days, which would have been considered unreasonably demanding.

Despite aides claiming the delay was requested for “diplomatic” reasons, the New York Times reported that White House staff are trying to manage the president’s workload.

While White House officials are taking such precautions, including giving the president cheat sheets to remind him of what to say and the order of certain events, Biden has said he is currently considering running in 2024.

If the president’s health remains intact, that would mean Joe Biden would be 86 by the end of his second term.

The New York Times Chief White House correspondent Peter Baker wrote in the article, “The reality is that managing the agenda of the oldest president in American history poses several challenges.”

He added: “And as Mr Biden insists he plans to run for a second term, his age has become an increasingly uneasy issue for him, his team and his party.”

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Supporters of the president argue that his recent bike ride in Delaware is a sign of his physical fitness in addition to his daily personal training sessions.

However, critics have used the same bike ride that saw the president fall from his bike as evidence of his vulnerability.

Despite some support from Mr. Biden’s fans, Democrats and White House officials have been reported to be tired of the bad press surrounding the president’s blunders.

Democrats are reportedly concerned that the aging president is not a good option for voters ahead of the 2024 election, and concerns are expressed that his age could cause them to lose the election.

Mr Baker wrote that Biden’s age is now “a touchy subject in the West Wing”.

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He continued: “More than a dozen current and former senior officials and advisers uniformly reported that Mr. Biden remained intellectually engaged, asking smart questions in meetings, enlisting assistants on points of contention, calling them late at night, noting that weakness on Page 14 from a memo and rewriting speeches like his abortion statement on Friday to the last minute.”

However, it was also reported that aides at the White House are “taking care of him” and that his energy level is “not what it used to be.”

Mr Baker added: “He often shuffles when he walks and assistants fear he will trip over a wire.

“He stumbles over words at public events, and they hold their breath to see if he makes it to the end without a blunder.

While White House officials insist that they make no special arrangements like Reagan’s team did, they try to privately guard Mr. Biden’s weekends in Delaware as much as possible.

“He’s generally a five- or five-and-a-half-day-a-week president, although there are times when he’s called at any hour regardless of the day.”