Kate Garraway asks for help after Derek Draper’s important medicine remains in the taxi

Kate Garraway asks for help after Derek Draper’s important medicine remains in the taxi

Kate Garraway sought help after leaving Derek Draper’s medicine in a taxi (Photo: Twitter / Rex)

Kate Garraway asked fans to help her find important medicines and supplies for her husband, Derek Draper, after taking a taxi on the way home from the hospital.

The 55-year-old presenter used Twitter to call on her to reunite her with the items that 55-year-old Derek needed “urgently.”

She posted:’@BC_Lostproperty help! !! I’ve just taken Derek home from the hospital in a mobile black taxi for a weekend visit – and left a case with all his medicines and kits in front of him!

“The driver recognized me, but may not know it’s there-see, contact me-urgently needed !!”

Kate didn’t share the latest information, but one of her followers returned important supplies because the taxi driver was their friend who mentioned taking Kate and Derek home earlier that day. It seems that it was confirmed that it was done.

Derek has been in need of 24-hour medical care since he was infected with Covid-19 in March 2020, and as a result he was hospitalized for a year and fell into a coma for a period of time.

He is believed to be one of the worst affected cases of surviving the coronavirus, but remains severely affected by side effects.

Derek’s communication skills were also affected by the virus, damaging many organs.

Mandatory Credits: Photo by Can Nguyen / REX / Shutterstock (10510342x) Kate Garraway and Derek Draper Piers Morgan Christmas Party, London, UK-December 19, 2019 Piers Morgan Christmas Party 2019, Scarsdale Tavern, Edwards Square, London 2019 Thursday, 19th of March.

Derek was infected with Covid in March 2020 (Photo: Can Nguyen / REX / Shutterstock)
He needed 24-hour care (Photo: ITV)

Kate recently revealed her and her children, daughter Darcy (17) and son William (12). I had to “re-learn” my relationship with Derek, who was released from the hospital in April 2021.

She told Good Housekeeping:

“In many ways we are still learning a lot about how we are as men and wives because there have been so many changes. It’s the same for children-they are theirs. I have to relearn the experience of being with my dad.

“And, of course, the greatest learning is for poor Derek.”

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Details: Kate Garraway says she and Derek Draper are learning how to become husbands and wives again: “many have changed.”

Details: Kate Garraway “Exhausted and Frightened” with her husband Derek Draper “inside and outside the hospital” in the last few weeks in Covid’s long recovery

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