A documentary series about Kevin Spacey is under development for Network Channel 4 in the United Kingdom.
With working title Spacey unmaskThe two-part series is Oscar-nominated document specialist Roast Beef Productions (Square, Hell and back again) Related to All3Media. It promises to see one of the most powerful and respected actors in the world forensically. From childhood to urgent success on Broadway to the rise of meteorites to stardom, he is now faced with accusations from multiple men of grooming, sexual harassment and abuse, so grand from his grace. Has undergone a declining trend.
Directed by Kira Phillips, produced by Kathy Haywood, and produced by Dorothy Burn and Mike Lerner executives.
Published less than two weeks after Spacey first appeared in court in London, the series will follow the outcome of two proceedings against the actor. An imminent criminal case with Spacey’s first public accusator, Anthony Rapp, was recently initiated in the United Kingdom by three anonymous men.
“Kevin Spacey is one of the most respected and admired actors of our time,” said Burn. “His talent has won him two Oscars and several other awards. Acclaimed on both sides of the Atlantic for his film, he led Oldvic with remarkable success for 11 years, London. Became one of the most important figures in his cultural life, a friend of that key figure, and a social column. These films tell the story of allegations of abuse against him and the consequent development of lawsuits. I will follow you. “