Kiss announces Australian flag while playing in Austria

Kiss announces Australian flag while playing in Austria

I kissed thousands of people in Vienna this week (Vienna, Austria, not Australia) (Photo: Getty)

Kiss may have toured the world for nearly 50 years, but it seems that someone on the team is still struggling with their geography.

The iconic rocker, consisting of Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer, is currently touring in Europe (Europe, not Australia, for future reference).

This week, a black diamond icon struck Vienna and performed at Wiener Stadthalle, the capital of Austria.

However, although they skillfully ran through an incredible back catalog and became about 16,000 ecstatic fans, the night wasn’t over.

When the band finished the set, the screen was lit with the phrase “Kiss loves you” and the kiss logo was adorned with the color of the Australian flag.

Yeah – Australia. Not in Austria.

Kiss fan Ben Nguyen, who was attending the gig, took him to Twitter to share a photo of a nasty mistake. There is artwork featuring the stars that make up the Union Jack and the Australian flag.

Along with the photo, he briefly wrote the Australian flag emoji, “Kiss I played in Austria last night.”

Tweets have been highly rated and shared thousands of times in total, but Kiss hasn’t responded to the confusion yet.

On Friday, the band will head to Germany to play a gig in Stuttgart. Then head to France and then to Spain for the iconic rock festivals Printemps De Perouges and Rock Fest.


Veteran rockers are on their final farewell tour (Photo: Getty)

4 Pieces are traveling as part of the End Of The Road tour – their last Last Farewell tour after the original farewell tour from 2000 to 2001.

Although not near Australia this time, Rocker will head to the continent in August for multiple shows in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adeldide and Brisbane.

(And expect a little commitment at this point by raising the Austrian flag at each Australian show.) is seeking comments from Kiss representatives.

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