Lack of global skills: the way through the wilderness

Lack of global skills: the way through the wilderness

How to survive a global skill shortage

Many organizations choose re-skilling programs, but they need an overall strategy to address business issues and retain top performers. So how do you build important skills, fill vacancies, and retain employees? This eBook explores key findings that help fill gaps, maximize internal talent, and increase employee satisfaction and retention.

eBook release

Prosper with a global lack of skills: your way through the wilderness

Learn how successful organizations around the world are using their skills to navigate unknown territories.

Why personalized skill development is important in the modern workplace

Whether you return to work in the field or switch to a hybrid work model, skill development should be a top priority for L & D. Today’s employees expect training that meets their individual needs, goals, and talent gaps, so they can not only “get the job done” but also actively develop their skills. By developing skills and encouraging teams to pursue additional training opportunities, you can empower and instill confidence in your employees. Also, because you value their personal growth, they are more likely to stay in your organization.

About this ebook

Why is the confidence gap in the skills of high-performing organizations so small? How can an effective learning program increase employee demand for development resources? This is a preview of what is in this guide. This is a comparison of the best performing and average organizations in terms of skills building and talent development strategies.

  • 2020 vs. 2022: What has changed?
  • COVID-19 casts a long shadow on the workforce
  • The gap in employee and employer skill confidence remains — and widens
  • Skill Development Today: Employees and Employers Still Lost in the Wilderness
  • Where do your people go for skill development?
  • What does the development of good skills look like?
  • How do you become a high-performing organization?
  • High-performance organizations provide skills development templates


Download eBook Thriving In the Global Skills Shortage: Your Path Through the Wilderness to dig deeper into your data and find out how to start your team’s skill development strategy.

eBook Release: Home Base

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