Lexia introduces Lexia Aspire Professional Learning

Lexia introduces Lexia Aspire Professional Learning

Lexia strives for professional learning: reading to learn

While literacy is a cornerstone of success in all subjects, many upper elementary and secondary school students lack the literacy skills they need to learn effectively. In fact, the most recent 2022 NAEP results indicate that 69% of grade 8 students are not reading at a proficient level and 67% of grade 4 students are below reading level. learning among students in grades 4–8 introduces Lexia, a Cambium Learning Group company Lexia Aspire™ Professional learning.

Lexia Aspire Professional Learning is the first professional learning solution designed specifically for educators of adolescent students. It is a flexible digital solution that works at your own pace and is based on the science of reading. The focus is on the transition from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’. This new program expands Lexia’s award-winning professional learning offerings, including the industry gold standard, also known as Read LETRS® (Language supplies for reading and spelling teachers). The LETRS professional learning suite provides educators and administrators with the in-depth knowledge to become reading and language experts. LETRS teaches the skills needed to master the fundamentals of reading instruction: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing and language.

“Many educators and leaders wanted a solution designed specifically to help educators teach literacy skills across all content areas in grades 4-8,” said Lexia’s Chief Learning Officer, Liz Brooke, Ph.D., CCC-SLP. “Lexia Aspire Professional Learning is based on the principles of reading science and Lexia’s expertise in literacy. This program enables educators to quickly develop the skills they need to support their students who read to learn but may still have gaps in the fundamental reading skills they developed as they learned how to read, understand and articulate their ideas on different topics.”

Equipping educators with the knowledge and skills they need to apply science-based strategies in a classroom that supports different levels of literacy competencies is central to the design of Lexia Aspire Professional Learning. Lexia Aspire Professional Learning is designed to support all upper elementary and secondary school teachers, including subject teachers, classroom teachers, interventionists, speech pathologists, and English teachers.

To accommodate educators’ busy schedules, Lexia Aspire Professional Learning operates at their own pace so educators can get the support and skills development they need in their schedule. The program, which takes approximately 40 hours to complete, focuses on instruction in three domains: word recognition, language comprehension, and reading and writing comprehension. After laying the groundwork with a few basic courses, teachers can choose which areas to focus on and in what order they complete the courses. Within each course, teachers receive personalized content in response to their performance. Those who master concepts can progress, while those who need additional, propped up support receive it.

“Lexia Aspire Professional Learning gives educators the choice and flexibility to choose content most relevant to improving their students’ literacy outcomes. The courses are practical and immediately transferable to the classroom,” said Brooke.

Lexia Aspire Professional Learning courses are aligned with the International Dyslexia Association’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading, and Bridge to Application resources are aligned with Common Core State Standards and other state standards. The professional learning program also provides district and school leaders with vital data that helps them visualize their educators’ progress. The district dashboard provides real-time data on licensing, assessment performance, and time spent on the platform to make professional learning more transparent and give education leaders easy access to the information they need to make decisions that support their teachers.

For more information on Lexia Aspire Professional Learning, educators can visit the website.

Learn about Lexia

Lexia, a Cambium Learning Group company, is the expert in structured literacy. For more than 35 years, the company has focused exclusively on literacy and today offers a full spectrum of solutions for both students and teachers. With a robust offering for differentiated instruction, personalized learning, assessment and professional learning, Lexia helps more students read, write and speak with confidence. For more information visitLearning Lexia.