Love Island’s lap dance challenge shakes feathers and causes upset

Love Island’s lap dance challenge shakes feathers and causes upset

Emotions ran high in the villa (Picture: ITV)

Love Island’s heartbeat challenge left half the villa upset after the heartbeats were left for some by the wrong people.

Luca Bish, Tasha Ghouri, Paige Thorne and Indiyah Polack were among the participants who were upset after the people they were paired with had their heart rates increased by several participants.

Jacques O’Neill and Gemma Owen’s heartbeats spiked – which understandably confused Luca and Paige’s noses, given that Gemma and Jacques are exes from before the show.

Paige admitted to Gemma that she took Jacques’ result personally, explaining, “I’m not going to lie, I did a little bit just because you guys have history and I can’t beat that.”

She later added: “The guy I should be seeing is still in love with his ex. I’m ready. I know it’s a game, I get that it’s a game, but there’s a truth behind it.

“For me there is no smoke without fire. He could have fallen for another girl, he could have fallen for Tasha, Danica, anyone, I don’t even care, but an ex? Like come on, leave it in the past, it’s not funny.’

The results of the heart rate challenge left some of the islanders smoking (Picture: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)

The couple later had an awkward conversation about the heart rate monitor results, with Jacques saying that his night had been ruined by the girls’ sulking.

After Paige confronted him, Jacques raged, “Oh f**k off mate, if you’re serious… because you’re just pathetic. I don’t understand how you can have a problem with that, mate.’

Jacques then admitted, “Okay, if I’m honest, if I want to be honest, maybe because we’ve been through something like this before, it brought a flashback.

‘Of course it would be good, if you had slept with someone, you get those thoughts, don’t you? And that’s the honest reason I thought it could have been Gemma.’

Luca was equally upset that Jacques had raised Gemma’s heart rate, explaining, “The girls whose hearts were beating faster, Ekin-Su and Paige? Oh my damn days are, the creme de la creme.

‘No, I’m not happy. It just makes me feel like I love her more than she is me, you know what I mean, which I keep thinking more and more.

“I’ll be honest, I don’t like seeing her and Jacques talking and stuff, it’s not fun.”

Indiyah and Tasha were also upset after their partners couldn’t make their hearts beat for their dances, and Tasha admitted, “In my head I’m like I’m so damn dignified, I’m sexy, I’m hot and it just doesn’t feel right to hearing the man I’ve been sharing a bed with for three weeks in a row…

“I literally went all out and I feel bad because I literally did all that. I knew my heart was racing for him. †

Love Island airs weeknights from 9pm on ITV2.

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