DEAR DEIDRE: MY son’s asthma is taking over his life and I don’t know where to go for help.
While most ten-year-old boys play soccer and wrestle with their friends, mine prefers to stay at home on his iPad.
He is terrified of an asthma attack after a bad experience last year, which we believe was caused by pollen.
It really scared him and now he’s avoiding doing anything that he thinks might trigger an attack.
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Every problem gets a personal answer, usually within 24 hours on working days.
I am his 34 year old mother.
I want him to lead a normal life.
DEIDRE SAYS: I’m sorry your son is having a hard time.
While there is no cure for asthma, medication can help control it. See what your son’s doctor suggests.
If your son’s asthma is caused by pollen, it’s best to keep windows and doors closed when pollen counts are high.

Limit his screen time as much as possible and encourage exercise to improve his lung capacity.
I would also recommend approaching Asthma UK ( 222 5800), which provides confidential advice to patients and their families.