My son threw a birthday party and invited all his friends, but no one came – even just had to hit the pinata

My son threw a birthday party and invited all his friends, but no one came – even just had to hit the pinata

A father has left people in tears after sharing a video of his son at his birthday party where none of his friends showed up.

He took to TikTok to post a clip of his baby boy at the Spiderman themed bash, where he sat alone at the decorated tables, and alone on the trampoline.

A father has left people in tears after sharing a video from his son's birthday party, where none of his friends showed up


A father has left people in tears after sharing a video from his son’s birthday party, where none of his friends showed upCredits: tiktok/@justmemoo
The little boy was seen alone on the trampoline


The little boy was seen alone on the trampolineCredits: tiktok/@justmemoo
And even had to hit the piñata himself


And even had to hit the piñata himselfCredits: tiktok/@justmemoo

“He invited all his little friends to his party and no one came,” he wrote of the video.

The most heartbreaking part was that the boy even had to hit the Spiderman pinata on his own.

“That’s it, 1 like and I’m taking him to Disneyland,” the man writes with his video.

People reacted quickly to the clip, with some revealing similar situations they found themselves in.

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“It happened to my kid on his 5th birthday and never did a party again,” one wrote.

“Instead, we used the money for him and for him!

“It is pathetic.”

“Also at my son’s third birthday party and he’s on the spectrum and no one came, we spent hella $, we should have just taken him out!” added another.

“Lesson learned.”

“This is one of the reasons why I always make an effort to be present whenever one of my kids is invited to a party,” a third commented.

“Even if I don’t know the family.”

“Happy birthday little fellow. I would have been there for you if I could!” someone else wrote.

While another admitted, “I’m tearing up.”

Others insisted the video was made too early and people would have shown up later, with one writing, “All his friends are Mexican, believe me they’re coming.

“The party is just too early lol.”

As another emphasized, “We Mexicans think it’s disrespectful to be on time, but don’t let it bother you.

“Enjoy all the party stuff you’ve got, little man.”