DEAR DEIDRE: MY son has been derailed for the past two years and now I am afraid he is on dangerous drugs.
He is 19 and my only son. I am his 50 year old father.
He was acting suspiciously – came in late, was secretive and unusually excitable – so after he was gone, I searched his bedroom.
To my horror, I found a dirty needle and spoon in a box under his bed.
There were also some strange pills.
His mother and I have been concerned about the friends he hangs out with who get into fights and get into trouble with the police.
Now it seems they also use drugs.
My son hasn’t had a job since he left school.
Get in touch with Deidre
Every problem gets a personal answer, usually within 24 hours on working days.
He used to be such a sweet boy, but he’s lost.
I’m afraid for his future.
DEIDRE SAYS: It is heartbreaking to watch a child destroy itself. Try talking to him and expressing your love and concern.
Sounds like he needs professional help. My support package, Drug Worries, contains organizations to contact.
Also call FRANK, the drug education and advice service (talktofrank.com0300 123 6600).
You also need support. Contact the Family Lives parent helpline ( 800 2222).