Nearly a third of pub visits are alcohol-free as drinkers moderate, study shows

Nearly a third of pub visits are alcohol-free as drinkers moderate, study shows


Nearly a third of pub visits are now completely alcohol-free, according to new research as the trend towards moderation among drinkers continues to grow.

About 29% of pub visits and 37% of restaurant visits are now alcohol-free, according to an industry report commissioned by KAM and Lucky Saint.

The figures come amid a wider reduction in alcohol consumption in the UK in recent years, with many cutting intake due to health concerns and other reasons.

This showed that 55% of British drinkers consume less than 10 units of alcohol per week.

in 2019, NHS research reported that 60% of adults drank up to 14 units per week.

Katy Moses, managing director of sector research firm KAM, said: “There is no doubt that alcohol consumption habits in the UK are changing.

We need to rethink what we consider a ‘non-drinker’ in the UK. Those who act quickly to tap into this market in the UK will see huge rewards for years to come

“Despite the short-term changes during the pandemic, an overwhelming proportion of Britons plan to reduce their consumption over the next 12 months.

“The growth in popularity of the alcohol-free category is not primarily driven by those who never drink alcohol, but rather by the sheer number of Britons who simply want to moderate their intake and look for a good-tasting alternative.”

A whole range of major brewers, including Heineken and Budweiser, have expanded to non-alcoholic beers in recent years looking for growth as other parts of the beer industry see limited demand.

Luke Boase, founder of the non-alcoholic lager brand Lucky Saint, said he believes we are on the cusp of “a cultural shift in our attitude to drinking in the UK”.

The company said it has seen comparable 180% growth since the start of 2021, amid a surge in demand after hospitality businesses grew again after the pandemic.

He said: “The will of Spain, France and Germany all have at least five times the market share for few and no (alcohol) options compared to the UK.

“Consumers want taste and quality, but traditionally there is no product that matches.

“We need to rethink what we understand as a ‘non-drinker’ in the UK. Those who act quickly to tap into this market in the UK will see huge rewards for years to come.”