There are no details about the emergency NPDC meeting.
The New Plymouth District Council held an emergency meeting last week, but does not say why or what was discussed.
At the time of the meeting, held Thursday, June 23, at 9 am, the agenda was not posted on the New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) website.
When asked that day, a spokeswoman for NPDC said no special meeting had been held after councilors Tony Bedford and Colin Johnston apologized at the simultaneous Waitara Community Committee.
However, the day after the emergency meeting, the agenda was uploaded to the Council’s website, but did not contain any information about what was discussed.
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In response to questions about subsequent meetings, a council spokeswoman said when first asked, “Our answer was correct at that point because we were not informed about the meeting.”
However, she said, “there were no details available for publication” about the meeting.
Under official local government information and meeting law, agenda items are usually available at least two business days before the meeting.
The council may exclude the general public from the meeting, but it must state the general subject matter of each matter to be considered.
The law provides for failure to meet standard notification requirements.
In these cases, “the local government will publicly notify the general nature of the meeting and business as soon as possible before the meeting is held” or “notify as soon as possible on the local government’s Internet site”. need to do it. In any other way that is reasonable depending on the situation. “
The agenda of the emergency meeting held on the Internet via Zoom said that the general public should be excluded for the following reasons: “Delegation of the Investigation Subcommittee (2022) A withholding of information is required to protect the privacy of natural persons, including those of deceased natural persons.”
The minutes of the emergency meeting are not posted on the council’s website.