New recycling hub placed in student area

New recycling hub placed in student area

In the student area, a new recycling hub has been installed by the city council, aimed at making waste curbside in the streets of Dunedin.

Dunedin City Council has just installed the hub in Great King St park, near the corner of Albany St.

A spokesperson for the council said the recycling hub, which is expected to enable more downtown residents to start recycling, was intended for those in the area who did not have access to curbside recycling services or for those who have limited access. had to recycle.

Dunedin Mayor Jules Radich said the hub was an important step towards Dunedin’s waste and carbon targets.

“People living in the CBD do not have access to a weekly curbside recycling service, so it is important that we provide other convenient options to enable them to recycle,” said Mr Radich.

He hoped the new hub would help reduce the amount of material going to landfill.

Waste and Environmental Solutions group manager Chris Henderson said the Great King Street hub is the sixth facility of its kind the council has installed in the central city and tertiary district.

“The existing recycling hubs have all been well received and together they have made it possible to take more than 10 tonnes of recyclable material and glass out of landfill each month,” said Mr Henderson.

The design on the hub was created by artist Moewai Marsh (Kāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa), with guidance from Aukaha.

The design represented a commitment to sustainability to reduce our impact on Papatūānuku – the Mother Earth figure in Māori culture – which was central to the artwork.

“I took inspiration for these recycle hubs from my current art practice, which was about reconnecting with my ancestral landscapes through community and studying beautiful earth pigments here in Ōtepoti,” Ms. Marsh said.