Nicola Sturgeon shouldn’t be given IndyRef2-‘There was already a referendum, that’s it! ‘| Politics | News

Earlier this week, Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon outlined her government’s “route map” in a statutory referendum. She addressed the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday, June 28, just two weeks after launching the updated campaign, and explained how to host IndyRef 2 on October 19, 2023.

Less than 10 years after the first 2014 referendum, when Scotland voted 55% to 45% to stay in Britain.

Read more: Blow for sturgeon! Scottish people oppose independently because more than half reject IndyRef2.

In order to vote a second time, Westminster must grant Holyrood legal authority under Article 30 of Scots Law.

This was approved in the last referendum, but the British government subsequently voted “not at that time” in the second referendum because of the crisis in living expenses, the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, and the war in Ukraine. “Repeatly states.

Ms. Sturgeon urged Westminster to “respect and not trash” her demands, claiming that independence would “restore Scotland’s basic democracy.”

She sent a letter to the Supreme Court requesting a ruling on the legality of holding a new referendum without the permission of Westminster.

Ms. Sturgeon may consider asking the Scottish people different questions than straight independence as before in order for the referendum to be approved.

As a result, asked readers if a second referendum should be held to end the independence debate. granted Nicola Sturgeon IndyRef2 to allow Scotland to move forward in a study conducted from 10 am on Tuesday, June 28 to noon on Thursday, June 30. Do I need to? “

Overall, 3,839 people voted and 85% (3,278) answered “no”. Sturgeon should not be allowed IndyRef2.

On the other hand, 14% (551 people) answered “yes”. In order for Scotland to move forward, Ms. Sturgeon needs to be given an Indy Ref 2.

Also, only 10 people said they didn’t know either method.

Hundreds of comments were left under the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on the second Scottish independence referendum.

However, other readers have said that Ms. Sturgeon should be given an IndyRef2 ballot.

The username ILOVEUK2 states:

Some thought that the referendum should be held in Britain, and Britain should also be given a say on this issue.

The username villaman0711 states: “Of course, they have to vote differently, but this time let all the British vote.”

The username Oscar77 states: “Yes, but like the Brexit referendum, the whole UK should be able to vote.”

And the username Surin paul writes: “Yes, but let me vote in English.”