Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP demands no more Scottish money sent to Ukraine | politics | News

Nicola Sturgeon’s ministers have said their money should no longer be given to Ukraine for weapons after being pressured by the Treasury to hand over £65 million.

Scottish Chancellor of the Exchequer Kate Forbes said the money would be provided “on this occasion”.

But she added to the Treasury that the spending “shouldn’t be seen as a precedent.”

Her Welsh colleague Rebecca Evans echoed the comments, complaining that she had been forced to donate £30 million in money for ‘returned areas, such as health and education’.

The Treasury hit back, stating that they “completely disagree” with their characterization of their request for financial aid.

They added that government departments in Whitehall had also been asked to contribute through their underspending.

The Treasury’s £1 billion fund for Ukraine will be used to produce state-of-the-art equipment.

Returning administrations were given the choice of either contributing directly to the fund or taking their funding from Westminster through the Barnett formula.

A spokesman denied that a precedent had been set for the looting of returned budgets for reserved spending areas, saying: “This is a response to an extraordinary crisis.”

The request was highly unusual, as foreign aid and expenditure usually comes directly from Westminster.

However, SNP ministers in Edinburgh have previously voluntarily spent money on other reserved areas, such as international development, by sending aid to other countries, including Ukraine.

For example, in the past they have provided £4 million to provide basic humanitarian aid in health, water and sanitation, and shelter for those fleeing the war-torn country.

The Scottish government said its £65 million contribution would be used to fund “advanced air defense systems and thousands of essential equipment for Ukrainian soldiers”.

The additional £1bn aid brings the UK’s total military and economic contribution to Ukraine to £3.8bn.

In addition to the additional economic support for Ukraine, Boris Johnson announced today that he would put 1,000 British troops on a higher level of readiness so that they can be quickly deployed in the face of Russian aggression.

Johnson said: “Vladimir Putin’s brutality continues to cost Ukrainian lives and threaten peace and security across Europe.

“As Putin fails to achieve the gains he expected and hoped for, and the futility of this war becomes apparent to all, his attacks on the Ukrainian people become increasingly barbaric.

“British weapons, equipment and training are transforming Ukraine’s defenses against this attack. And we will stand firmly behind the Ukrainian people to make sure Putin fails.”

Ms Forbes said: “This further funding is intended to help the Ukrainian armed forces fight against Russian aggression and the unspeakable brutality being committed.

“We have agreed to provide funding on this occasion, given the clear need to maximize the international effort to support Ukraine. However, it is clear to us that this should not be seen as a precedent leading to returned budgets being used to fund clearly reserved policy areas.”

Ms Evans, meanwhile, agreed with the need for military support, adding: “We will continue to provide humanitarian support to the many people from Ukraine who arrive in Wales every day”.

But she added: “What is not right is using money that should be for investment in returned areas, such as health care and education, to fund an unreturned spending area – military aid and defense.

“We have accepted this result because of our continued commitment to support the Ukrainian people and to avoid future fiscal uncertainty, but funding for these areas should rightly be funded by the British government.”

This comes as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said a new “iron curtain” is falling between Russia and the West.

Meanwhile, Oleksii Hromov, a brigadier general of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, revealed that Russia had deployed more missiles in the second half of June.

Mr Hromov told a news conference that more than half of the missiles came from Soviet reserves and less accurately, adding that Russia therefore attacked residential buildings, which Russia has denied.

Earlier this week, Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that a shopping center containing 1,000 people had been hit by a Russian missile, killing 18. 36 people are still missing.