North Carolina Supreme Court: HOA Can’t Ban Solar Installation

North Carolina Supreme Court: HOA Can’t Ban Solar Installation

Recently, there are interesting stereotypes on the Internet, and more and more in real life: Karen. She is a woman who has endless discussions with store checkout clerk over coupons and demands to meet her manager. She calls police officers and accuses innocent people of crime. They are also known for controlling others and doing whatever they can to make life difficult to provide a sense of qualification.

Another fun internet joke is to come up with interesting collective nouns for different people and animals. For example, geese fly in a flock of geese, where the collective noun is “flock”. For fun, some internet memes say that a group of baboons is a “meeting” of baboons, or owls gather in a “parliament”. As some “creepy” types show, these aren’t real collective nouns, but they miss the point. I’m not saying anything about owls or baboons. We are making fun of lawmakers.

I’ve seen a lot of interesting ways to assign collective nouns to Callens. Some say that Karenth’s group is a “quarrel.” What I like more is that Karenth flies with “privileges”. This is a good description of the problem they all share. However, one of the most suitable collective nouns or measurement tasks for Callens is HOA. For example, “In today’s work, I was indignant at Karenth’s HOA when I didn’t ring Karenth correctly.”

Even if you don’t think so, HOA has won their bad reputation

Karenth, among our readers, probably wants to tell me I’m wrong about HOA. After all, don’t you want to live next to someone who has a car in the block for years at a time? And the impact, thoughts that the bad landscaping of my neighbor might have on my property value is horrifying!

In fact, the person who puts the car on the block may have a 10mm wrench (or any other cool 10mm one) that can be borrowed when there is a problem with their car. The lawn is by no means great, especially if you live somewhere. There is an increasing shortage of water, as in the western United States. Moreover, I’m not sitting in my front yard staring at my neighbor’s house, and I don’t really care what they do in their own little land.

Why don’t i care? The main reason is that I’m not a busy person, but also because I didn’t buy a house in the city or under the thumbs of HOA. All my neighbors are nice, even if one of their old shit Honda doesn’t run and the guy on the other side sometimes likes to launch Harley Davidson too soon. They are patient with me, I am patient with them, and we are all friends without making us obey strict rules.

Why didn’t you buy a better home in a suburban neighborhood run by the Homeowners Association? I’ve seen too many bad reports over the years. I’ve seen some cases where they try to steal someone’s house because they were in the hospital and couldn’t maintain a place or pay a membership fee. I’ve heard of HOA leaders being put in jail for plotting to control people’s homes and sell them for profit. But before the police became wise, some people lost their homes. In one of many of these cases, the truth was revealed only after the homeowner decided to shoot the thief.

And it all comes from Google Search looking for plans to steal property. There are many other stories of HOA management that are harassing people in too many ways to list here. One insane HOA claimed that people lived illegally in the garage and demanded that people keep the garage door open all day long. This is a collection of 10 stories, including the end for not being cleaned up after a deadly hurricane within 24 hours. This is a collection of 15 other stories, including the president of HOA attacking a service animal that he didn’t think belonged to his neighborhood.

So even if the HOA is cool, working at the HOA, and not doing so, it’s hard to say that a bad manager has a lot of bad reputation. In fact, it’s so bad that people come up with ways to harass HOA in a comical way.

And you can’t find such a shortage of memes:

Score 1 point with Good Guy and Clean Energy

If you can find a story about HOA losing, it’s nice to see it. It’s even better to see them losing in a strange battle with clean energy. And recently, we have found a story that gives us both of these.

In this case, the North Carolina homeowner installed a solar on his roof. Of course, this offended the HOA admin. Because in HOA, it’s not enough to just do something at home. You own it, but you can act like renting it (still you want to pay a hefty fine while paying for your own maintenance and repairs If not, it should happen early). When the system was installed, HOA fined the homeowner and decided to put Lien on the real estate.

The State Supreme Court ruled that the HOA cannot use the rules banning the installation of solar power and cannot force people to install solar power on the back roofs of their homes. This is true regardless of the contract or the content of the HOA Regulations, as North Carolina has a “solar access” law that supersedes all HOA regulations.

“The North Carolina Supreme Court ruling confirms that it is an important achievement for North Carolina homeowner ownership and that clean and renewable electricity is available to those previously denied by the HOA. “” Said Peter Redford, NCSEA’s Legal Advisor and Head of Policy. “This decision will reduce major barriers to the North Carolina residential solar market, support jobs in the rooftop solar industry, and enable homeowners to reduce utility bills and clean up the grid.”

This decision will allow millions of North Carolina homeowners to install solar without worrying about HOA overshoots, but these homeowners spend thousands of dollars on statutory costs and state law. It’s sad that I had to fight for years to do something that is already explicitly legal below. However, it is not known that law and correct behavior prevent criminals who frequently perform HOA from causing problems anyway.

Featured image by Vijay Govindan of Clean Technica.


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