Nuclear-powered ‘sky cruise’ to accommodate 5,000 guests on ‘non-stop flight’ around the world | Science | News

YouTube Animator Hashem Al-Ghaili shared a concept design for the flying “hotel of the future,” which could carry 5,000 guests on a non-stop flight that could go on for years without landing. The ambitious design would be controlled by artificial intelligence and would require 20 engines powered by nuclear fusion to fly around the world without ever having to land.

Based on the designs shown in the video, this nuclear-powered aircraft would have its own disk-shaped lookout tower, allowing passengers to see unprecedented views from above the clouds.

The hotel would remain airborne as conventional planes carry passengers to and from the Sky Cruise, landing on top of the floating hotel.

The video, which used designs by Tony Holmsten, claimed the giant plane would have no carbon footprint, with 20 electric motors “providing clean, nuclear energy”.

They said, “Thanks to nuclear power, the hotel will never run out of fuel and can hang in the air for several years without ever touching the ground.”

In the video, they said this futuristic cruise would give passengers the “ultimate travel experience” as the giant vehicle could house movie theaters, playgrounds, shopping malls and conference rooms for work.

The designers also claimed that the Sky Cruise would use AI to prevent turbulence from disrupting flight, using “anti-vibration technology”.

They said: “With Sky Cruise, you don’t have to worry about air turbulence.

“The navigation system uses a state-of-the-art command platform that uses artificial intelligence to predict air turbulence minutes before they occur.

“If air turbulence is detected, the system automatically prevents vibrations.

READ MORE: UK leads ‘new era’ of energy with fusion breakthrough

“It creates anti-vibrations that act like noise-canceling technology, allowing the sky cruise to glide over the vibrations with ease.”

Even the “nuclear fusion” energy the designers touted is still decades away from commercial development, with some estimates putting the technology about 20-30 years away.

Fusion is tipped as the “holy grail” energy source, as it opens up the possibility of creating limitless power using the same power created by our sun.

Many users have ridiculed the concept, commenting on YouTube: “If physics and aerodynamics didn’t exist, maybe this ship could actually take off.”

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