Officer fired after throwing trash can at ex-partner’s car

Officer fired after throwing trash can at ex-partner’s car


Met officer has been fired after pleading guilty to throwing a garbage can against the windshield of his ex-partner’s car.

PC Elliot Booker-Keep confessed to criminal damage during a hearing in Brighton Magistrates’ Court.

He was given a three-month parole and ordered to pay £85 in court costs and a £22 victim allowance after previously pleading guilty to criminal damages in court on 8 June.

The officer, attached to the South Area Command Unit, was found to have violated standards of professional conduct regarding “discreditable conduct” and was fired by the Met on Friday.

PC Booker-Keep was arrested on January 2, 2022 after throwing a trash can at his ex-partner’s car, causing damage to the windshield.

The offenses took place while he was off duty, the Brighton Magistrates’ Court had heard.

Once the Met became aware of the Kent police investigation, the Directorate for Professional Standards was notified and PC Booker-Keep was given limited duties.

PC Booker-Keep is now being added to the College of Policing’s blocked list.

Those on the list cannot be employed by any political organization.