Saw the Oppo Reno 8Z 5G yesterday go on Geekbench, which confirmed the Snapdragon 695 chipset. utilities, Evan Blass (@evleaks) brings us a closer look at the phone’s design in what looks like an official marketing image.
We can see that the Reno8 Z 5G has three cameras on the back, outlined in a rectangle with a glossy finish, which contrasts with the matte finish of the rest of the back. According to Blass, the Reno8 Z 5G will be nothing more than a rebrand Reno7 WITH 5G for global markets.
Interestingly enough, Oppo already has a Reno8 Lite which shares the same specs as the Reno7 Z 5G. We also have the Reno7 Lite and the Oppo F21 Pro 5G with the exact same hardware and design as the two models mentioned above, which means that Oppo is going to release a fifth phone – the Reno8 Z 5G with the same specs. We continue to be amazed at Oppo’s release strategy, but it’s getting hard to keep up with the rebrands.
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