Paper content – ​​June 30

Paper content – ​​June 30


The publication of the annual “Soveringland” report, which shows how much monarchy costs the people, is one of the leading stories in the newspaper on Thursday.

the Daily Mirror In response to a revelation that the Royals spent £ 102.4 million on taxpayers last year, they tell them to “govern it.”

the Daily mail It covers another aspect of the report, where Buckingham Palace “filled” the investigation of the “bullying” against the Duchess of Sussex on staff.

the Daily Express Palace insiders responded to reports that Prince Charles received up to € 3 million (£ 2.5 million) in cash in bags for charity from Qatar Sheikh between 2011 and 2015. I add that. The aid reportedly “will never happen again.”

Elsewhere Independent We have posted reports that homeowners are “monetizing” their homes for the vulnerable.

SunA friend of the late Deborah James said on the front page of “I urged a hearty Englishman to push her Bowelbabe funds over £ 10m as the ultimate” thank you “.” increase.

The privatization of NHS care, accelerated 10 years ago by Tory policy, is responding to the “significant increase” in mortality from poor quality and treatable causes. Guardian..

Boris Johnson’s allies, meanwhile, fear that investigations into whether he misunderstood Congress about the risks of the party would become a “kangaroo court” by relying on “hearsay evidence.” The Daily Telegraph Write.

Elsewhere Financial Times‘The front page contains a comment from the Bank of England Governor that inflation will hurt the UK economy more than any other country.

meter Has the latest information on the war in Ukraine and reports that NATO has called on Finland and Sweden to join, and the United States has promised to send 100,000 troops to the Russian border.

And that Daily star NASA scientists say they remain confused by the “mysterious spacecraft” that collided with the moon and left behind a “strange crater.”