Politics LIVE: G7 leaders arrive for summit with Ukraine war top of agenda

Politics LIVE: G7 leaders arrive for summit with Ukraine war top of agenda

Key G7 questions answered

What is the G7?

The Group of Seven Industrialized Democracies are the UK, US, Canada, Japan, France, Germany and Italy, and the European Union is also represented in the discussions.

The G7 summit will be held from Sunday to Tuesday at Schloss Elmau, a luxury hotel in the German Alps.

What’s on the schedule?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will address the leaders from a distance, and G7 leaders will evaluate their response to the war and its impact on the global economy and food supply.

But Germany, which holds the rotating G7 presidency, hopes the group’s talks will not be limited to the crisis in Eastern Europe.

Mr Scholz said the war should not lead the G7 because he “does not want to neglect our responsibility for global challenges such as the climate crisis and the pandemic”.

He warned that if the G7 democracies do not support the poorer countries, “powers like Russia and China will benefit”.

In addition to the permanent G7 members, the leaders of Argentina, India, Indonesia, Senegal and South Africa are invited as guests.

What is the Prime Minister’s Purpose?

He wants to make sure that the G7 is behind President Zelensky and that the group takes steps to isolate Putin.

That could mean supporting Ukraine’s goal of evicting Russia from territory it has occupied since the February invasion, and imposing further sanctions to weaken the Kremlin’s regime.

What else is on the agenda?

Finland and Sweden applied for NATO membership after the Russian invasion.

Johnson supports the accession of the Scandinavian countries, but there has been resistance from Turkey, citing their support for Kurdish separatist groups.