“calculating and predatory” man has been sentenced to four years in prison after he kidnapped and sexually assaulted an injured teenage woman after promising her help.
Sharif Abbas, 31, from Haringey, will simultaneously serve time for assault and kidnapping after denying the charges. He was convicted on Southwark Crown Court found guilty at the same time on Friday court in Dec.
The court heard that on June 16, 2019, the 19-year-old woman – who cannot be named for legal reasons – fell down a flight of stairs while walking from platform to platform at Bond Street tube station. She suffered a broken wrist and a head injury so severe that her skull was exposed.
A statement from the Met Police continued: “As she sat down, Abbas approached the young woman and offered to help her. He led her out of the station and explored an empty basement of a nearby building.
“He then took her back to the basement and told her to examine her for injuries, after which he sexually assaulted her.”
Sharif Abbas convicted of kidnapping and assaulting injured woman
The Met was notified of Abbas when he unknowingly triggered a silent alarm by entering the building’s basement. The judge said Abbas would have committed a “more serious” sexual assault if police had not intervened at this point.
Officers arrived to investigate the alarm and found Abbas with the injured woman under a covered walkway where they were not visible to passers-by at street level. Abbas stood behind the victim with his hands under her clothes and his flies undone.
The victim underwent surgery for a broken wrist and was treated for a serious head injury. She has since fully recovered.
Detective Nigel Pacquette said: “The young lady targeted by Abbas has been incredibly brave, determined and patient throughout this investigation and the court proceedings.
She no longer lives in the UK and was forced to return and quarantine to participate in the trial due to Abbas’s not guilty plea. I applaud her actions.”
During the ordeal, Abbas donned a safety vest that was two years old when Abbas worked for Transport for London, when he was conducting bus investigations. He said he kept the item of clothing in case he “runs into an accident or something”.
The detective added: “Since he was unemployed, this alone was worrying, but his actions towards the victim were even more sinister.
“He was calculating and predatory and the verdict is completely the right outcome to ensure that other women are protected from him.”
Anyone who believes they have been the victim of a sex crime is asked to contact the police on 101.