Prince George, who is soon to be nine, attended his first-ever Wimbledon match last week. Despite the young royal being notably a bit shy, he appeared to be breaking a royal rule while sitting in the royal box, next to his parents. Dressed in a suit and tie, despite the heat, the nine-year-old was far removed from other children at such events.
Mrs Oliveri writes: “Prince George of Cambridge is not your average child. His presence in the Royal Box alone was allowed because of who he is: the future King of England.
“And if there was any doubt about that, check out his recent appearance alongside his mother and father, Prince William and Kate, at Wimbledon.”
According to tennis star Marion Bartoli, who met Kate before the Wimbledon football matches, it was the Duchess who insisted that her son wear the formal outfit to Wembley Stadium instead of a team shirt and jeans for England.
Ms Bartoli told BBC Radio 5 that their conversation over afternoon tea with the Duchess was “highly a discussion about whether George should wear the jersey”.
She added: “William was for it, Kate not so keen.”
In both games, including the final when England were eventually defeated by Italy, Prince George looked like a mini-Willem in his suit and official Football Association tie.
Royal author and former royal editor of The Sun, Duncan Larcombe said the choice of clothing was part of George’s gradual introduction to his future.
Mr Larcombe explains: ‘She showed George that ‘on duty’ requires a different approach.
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Unable to attend the funeral of their great-grandfather Prince Philip last year under strict COVID-19 restrictions, George and Charlotte attended his memorial service at Westminster Abbey in March.
They also accompanied William and Kate to the Easter Sunday service at Windsor Castle in April.
Ms Oliveri said: “Despite all George’s steps to the throne, he is still a child.
“Although dressed in a suit and tie and sitting among adults in the Royal Box at Wimbledon, George was caught on camera whining about the heat and picking his nose.
“Clearly more needs to be done before Little Prince George of Cambridge becomes King George XVI.”