Putin’s doll outlines Russia’s plans to arm a hypersonic missile ready to attack the United States in five minutes | World | News

Members of Duma said Moscow should try to recreate the Cuban missile crisis and deploy weapons that can attack the United States within five minutes near the border. Grulyov argued that putting the United States under the control of missile strikes would push “stuttering” Joe Biden’s allies back to the negotiating table and end hostilities. I have suggested that the direct threat to Washington is the “only scenario” that allows Russia to fulfill its unfounded mission of “blaming” Ukraine.

Grulyov told Rossiya 1, “Any detente happens after a good crisis, like the detente that follows the Cuban missile crisis.

“Why? During the Cuban missile crisis, there was a direct threat to US territory that they did not respond to immediately.

“The United States is behind all this, and others are tied to a leash, so we need to create a similar situation.

“We are more advanced than anyone else in hypersonic weapons.

“Our hypersonic weapons need to be brought closer to the United States with a flight time of up to 5 minutes, as well as onboard conventional aircraft carriers.”

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He added: “Biden sits there and stutters, but the rest thinks about how to negotiate.

“This is the only scenario in which we can demilitarize and demilitarize Ukraine.

“Only a direct threat to the United States and Britain will force them all to a table of negotiations where anyone can maintain their interests.”

Boris Johnson revealed earlier this week that Russia has directly threatened Ukrainian allies to use nuclear or advanced weapons since the start of the war in February.

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Johnson told LBC:

“But basically what Putin is trying to do is reconstruct this, so I think it’s very important that we don’t get confused by this kind of saber rattling.

“It’s about Russia vs. NATO. It’s about that kind of standoff you know. It’s not. It’s his attack on a completely innocent country with conventional weapons, cannons, planes, shells, etc. is about. .

“And that’s about the Ukrainians’ right to protect themselves.”

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He added:

“Did we solve? Did we decide? Do we give Ukrainians a way to protect themselves?”

“And the answer is absolutely yes, and if anything, the strength of unity is greater than before.”

Thousands of civilians have been killed and the city leveled since Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia has denied that President Vladimir Putin targets civilians, who he calls “special military operations” to demilitarize and “blame” his neighbors.

Russia focuses on expelling Ukrainian troops from Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts in Donbas, where Moscow-backed separatists have fought against Kyiv since Russia’s first military intervention in Ukraine in 2014. I am.

Ukrainian troops on the Eastern Front portray intense artillery fire in residential areas, especially around Lysychans’k, the last holdout city in Luhansk.