There are two “real messages” behind the decision queen consort not to have a new crown put on her Coronationsaid Dr. George Gross, Visiting Fellow in Theology at King’s College London. The coronation expert believes Camilla’s decision to use Queen Mary’s custom crown is part of the “sensible” choices the royals are making regarding the historic event, at a time when the British are going through an uncertain economic climate .
Dr Gross cited the “messages” behind Camilla’s decision, telling “One, you have so many, so why make a new crown when you have so many in the cupboard?
“Given the cost of living crisis, I think it just makes sense to reuse one they already have.”
Speaking of another message behind this choice, Dr Gross said: “I don’t think it wants to make too bold a statement either.
“I think this is trying to do this in a very sensible, very considered way [way], they know this is a great opportunity, but they also know that we are in a cost of living crisis. So it’s being looked after.”
Buckingham Palace said: “Her Majesty’s choice of Queen Mary’s crown is the first time in recent history that an existing crown will be used for the coronation of a consort rather than a new commission being commissioned, in the importance of sustainability and efficiency.”
Dr. Gross noted that not creating a new ringleader does indeed play in favor of the sustainability agenda being promoted by the monarch.
He said: “I also think it’s not just the cost of living, it plays into the whole climate change green agenda that if you make something new it uses more energy and so on, it’s also caring for the planet.
As Prince of Wales, Charles devoted more than five decades to raising awareness of the problems of pollution, waste and climate change.
Although King Charles as monarch has to step back from certain initiatives he supported as heir to the throne, he can still in favor of the green agenda.
In his first Commonwealth Day message, delivered earlier this month at Westminster Abbey, he outlined climate change as one of “the most pressing issues of our time”.
Charles called on the Commonwealth to come together to find collective solutions, adding: “Here the Commonwealth has an incredible opportunity and responsibility to create a truly sustainable future – one that offers the kind of prosperity that is in harmony with nature and that will also secure our unique and only planet for future generations.”
Dr. Gross and Dr David Crankshaw, lecturer in the history of early modern Christianity at King’s College London, are leading research into the ‘British coronation project c.973-present— a comprehensive analysis of what these events reveal about our past, our present, and ourselves.