Raw politics: the government's 'mission accomplished' moment

Raw politics: the government's 'mission accomplished' moment

This week, Raw politics questions whether ministers who boast about falling interest rates deserve all, much, or even any political praise.

The newsroom's senior political reporter Marc Daalder, political reporter Emma Hatton and associate editor Tim Murphy discuss the Coalition's claims that it has addressed the impact of the high cost of living.

Have policy changes, government spending cuts and tax reforms done enough to change the economic landscape and the Reserve Bank’s view? Or is it too early to claim ‘mission accomplished’, given the tough years ahead for jobs and consumer and business confidence?

We also discuss the two major government agency restructures this week: one responsible for Crown-Maori relations and the other for disability community services.

Are the changes necessary, are they a step forward, or is this another government trying its luck with a cyclical reform that is likely to be reversed in the relatively near future by politicians with a different vision?

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Our reader question is why the government is falling back on old-fashioned social provisions, one of the main pillars of the National Party for generations.

Finally, the panelists give tips on what to read, listen to or watch this coming weekend:

Raw politics will be available on Apple podcasts or wherever you watch your favorite shows every Friday, and you can watch them above on YouTube.