The Redmi A3x, revealed two months ago, was launched in India with four color options — Midnight Black, Ocean Green, Olive Green and Starry White. It is sold via Xiaomi’s Indian website in 3GB/64GB and 4GB/128GB configurations, priced at INR6,999 ($85/€75) and INR7,999 ($95/€85), respectively.
The Redmi A3x is powered by the Unisoc T603 SoC and runs Android 14 with MIUI on top. Xiaomi promised two major Android updates and three years of security patches, but did not disclose how often they would roll out.
The Redmi A3x is built around a 6.71-inch 90Hz HD+ LCD with Gorilla Glass 3 protection and is backed by a 5,000mAh battery with 10W charging support. The smartphone features a 5MP selfie shooter on the front and a dual camera setup on the back, consisting of an 8MP primary camera and a secondary unit.
Other highlights of the Redmi A3x include a 3.5mm headphone jack, a dedicated microSD card slot, a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and a USB-C port.